PETA Dairy Knowledge


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Under The Hood
This is the stuff we have to fight against daily, it doesn't even take a dairy farmer to realize these people are a little in left field. The almond and rice milk industries are going to pay for cow sanctuaries? At least the one lady was right, cows wouldn't survive in the wild.

I have nothing against vegans, just like I have nothing against gay marraige or any religion, but when people feel the need to force it on everyone, or try bashing our industry to meet their agenda, then I get irritated. Its an uphill battle trying to educate consumers because the media usually gets the first punch and most of their info is not in support of the farms. Its a nice change in this video that the newscast is more on the dairy side, even though I guess you could say their attitudes werent very "professional" it's nice that they didn't sugar coat it.


Mar 14, 2010
As the pussification of this country continues, these wack jobs will be gaining more and more traction to preach their BS.


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
This is the result of natural selection not affecting humans. I see Idiocracy in our future.

Won't ever get that far. There are a lot of smart people out there that treat all the stupid people like cattle, making a profit off them. Until the population becomes so stupid that it is now too dependent. At which time either a dictating party rises taking all rights away, a neighboring countries walks in and kicks ass and takes it from the stupid people, or a civil war starts and kills off the stupid people.

No matter what you can only have a stupid, selfish, welfare nation with no moral fabric (anything goes I can't say anything is wrong) until someone better than you walks in and takes what you no longer deserve.


Wicked Witch of the West
Aug 2, 2006
Norco, CA
Can you imagine cattle roaming about like deer?? Try hitting a cow at highway speeds! How about bulls? Would feel kinda bad for people with red vehicles.

It isn't pretty. My dad hit a loose cow coming home is his big rig. Truck was totaled.

I have chased enough loose cows in my day living on a busy street when they got loose it sucked.


Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
Can you imagine cattle roaming about like deer?? Try hitting a cow at highway speeds! How about bulls? Would feel kinda bad for people with red vehicles.
My brother (Duramax One) hit a cow on his motorcycle. Thank God he was going (relatively) slow, and he was not seriously hurt. Bike was totaled, and the cow eventually died. When the highway patrol showed up, they looked at the accident scene, and asked "where's the rider's body?". Even they were shocked he was able to limp away alive.