I have no idea if it has GMLAN, it has a serial communications link between the DLC, ECM, TCM and TCCM, I have jumped it at the glow plug controller (and have tried it with the controller in place), the guy that made the stand alone harness eliminated all the rest, I can read and write (including a few full flashes) to the ECM with no issues, I can read the TCM, have not committed a license yet as I am waiting on another TCM to arrive.
I have read several post around the web stating that a defective TCM can cause these kinds of issues, it only had the termination in the ECM but I have tried 1 and even 2 120 ohm terminations with no change in the symptoms, I mean it is only two wires, and there does not appear to be any short to ground.
I am not saying it cannot be in the harness but I have been all over that thing and cannot find an issue. Also the issue gets worse the longer the engine is run and the modules get hotter (more codes) and I have confirmed the trans temp resistance and voltage is good dispite that the TCM is reporting high temp, the TCM MIGHT be here tomorrow, USPS has done their best to make it as slow as possible the 2-3 day priority package has been in the system for almost 12 days now.. I have a 2008 (same year) 1 ton but have fought the urge to swap modules......
Also I did program it as a stand alone without the Allison and all I got were a couple what turned out to be legit engine codes which have now been resolved.
The ECM does have a fairly good dent in it from the donors wreck so I am also not discounting that possibility although it has not shown any problems, ALL the codes I have now are reported as TCM generated codes, if the TCM does not fix the issue I may swap ECMs as I have already committed a licenses to each of them....
Also when the TCCM is powered up it sends a code because the shift motor is evidently bad and am waiting on that part also so it is apparent the serial link is not severed as in a missing module or a missing module that needs to be jumped