Damn Wana....you got me by 3 years? With younger kids? Oy vey! :rofl: At least you'll stay fit!
3 channels plus PBS. Apollo 11 in B&W. Walter Cronkite. HeeHaw and Emergency on Saturday nights. Walt Disney was on Sundays. Sesame Street was the educational show, but Electric Company was the "hip" show.
No internet, no video games (until Pong).....we actually had to go outside and play.
You forgot about Batman "POW" "BANG" and Giligan's Island after school.
Well Pat's 49 and Tommy just 9 and Allison is 10
Yea, but Pat has the energy of a 9 year old.
We thought we were done, until her oldest son and wife turned out to be big time losers! He has always lived with his Papa and Grandma, and get's to visit his "parents" during the summer when we go up there for a couple weeks.