NYTPA 3.0 Class...


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Yaphank, NY
Lookin from some help from the guys here in the Northeast. Last year the New York State Tractor Pullers tried to start a diesel pickup class and they are trying to make it grow some more. The rules for the class are the PPL and its the Pro Street Diesel Class...


What Im trying to help them find out, is how many trucks can we get together? You know as well as I know, there are not many 3.0 in the Northeast at all. However thats not to say a 2.6 truck can't come and play either. They mentioned that they are there to put on a show for the crowd and want there pullers to be professional. Safety equipment is mandatory. No set schedule yet, but maybe some of the guys who pull FPP may be interested in taking a trip and pulling NYTPA also. Please post up if you'd be interested, or have a friend that may be interested. Let try to pass the word along.



New member
Dec 1, 2011
central NY
Come up state for a few pulls,no motor rules up here...its a open class. Or you can get ahold of Matt at Shootout Productions,they run most of the pulls in the lower part of the state an Conn & Mass.
Btw we get alot of trucks up here...central NY area.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Yaphank, NY
Why not go open single like fpp rules? May draw more trucks.

To be honest, I think they just adopted those rules for the sake of already being done. I will bring that to their attention that there is already a semi local organization with trucks built around their rules. Maybe they will go ahead and go that route. Thanks for heads up.

Come up state for a few pulls,no motor rules up here...its a open class. Or you can get ahold of Matt at Shootout Productions,they run most of the pulls in the lower part of the state an Conn & Mass.
Btw we get alot of trucks up here...central NY area.

Thats good for some people, but others not so fun. I love the fact that SPI is stepping up and getting some organization in this area.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
central NY
I spoke with Jeff from SPI a few minutes ago,maybe you spoke with him,he asked if your name was Pete.
I had a meeting with SPI an some pullers in the area a month ago,the guys round here like the open class an dont really want a classes. I own a motorsports park and am going to start having pulls this year.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Yaphank, NY
I spoke with Jeff from SPI a few minutes ago,maybe you spoke with him,he asked if your name was Pete.
I had a meeting with SPI an some pullers in the area a month ago,the guys round here like the open class an dont really want a classes. I own a motorsports park and am going to start having pulls this year.

Ya I speak with Jeff often. I guess its who you talk to about the classes. Nitrous is a huge hit upstate, some people love it and some dont. I dont really care for it and would rather not pull a stock charger truck against a 3.0 truck. Did that at Schaghticoke and was 5th place, but 80' off 1st! But to each his own.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
central NY
Ya I know...most all my friends love the bottle, but we do get most of the big boys from PA and northeast up here,I have 9 pulls within a hour of my place next to Utica,most pulls have 80 plus trucks in the diesel class,if you have a free weekend come up.
Jeff should have a few in the area to,he said the same thing u did,there isnt only like 5 3.0 trucks running in the NE.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
3.0 & a lot. :D

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I have no idea what turbos are popular in 3.0. I'd guess power on nationally competitive trucks is over 1500hp.


New member
Aug 28, 2011
blossvale ny
there are a lot of good trucks that pull all the time up here and we need more pulls and pullers for the diesel classes and we need better rules to keep it closer competition and more fair. i have a programer and exhaust on my truck and im pulling against guys with bigger turbos etc. so it would be nice to have better pulling classes for diesels that everyone can use in new york.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Yaphank, NY
there are a lot of good trucks that pull all the time up here and we need more pulls and pullers for the diesel classes and we need better rules to keep it closer competition and more fair. i have a programer and exhaust on my truck and im pulling against guys with bigger turbos etc. so it would be nice to have better pulling classes for diesels that everyone can use in new york.

Yup, I totally agree! I know it seems backwards but maybe if we show NYTPA the interest in trucks, they may expand classes. Also fyi, Shootout Productions Inc is stepping up and doing tons of work to get diesel trucks just what you described. Hopefully they will grow and get a good following of trucks as well.


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Having been around and watching this sport for years it's interesting to watch the seperation and "localized customizations" that go on.

To allow the most trucks to pull, an "open" class makes the most sense (pull anything you want as long as it's "safe"). That usually doesn't bode well for a guy with minimal modifications.

Assuming classes are what is needed in the Northeast. What is out there number wise for trucks? We know the number of OEM driveline 3.0 trucks in the area is very limited and in this economy probably won't grow too quickly, but what do the numbers look like for 2.5, 2.6, unlimited single, etc?

Obviously the largest class should be workstock, but we all know why that didn't work.

EDIT: National rules without regard to local yokels would have been the ideal, but too many people pushed their own agenda and you have what you see across the country (although some areas are coming around). For pulling to grow in our area, everyone needs to come together and adopt a standard set of rules and use it across the region. That way nomatter where you go, you can pull. I don't agree with some rules in certain classes, but if they were adopted "nationally" or even in a large region, it would be the much lesser of two evils. When a guy/girl can drive anywhere and know they can pull, they are more likely going to travel. Traveling pullers equals better shows, which equals more revenues, which usually equals better payouts and the the cycle continues. Limit where people can/can't pull, shows suffer, and payouts reflect it.

Our club suffered from it, many other clubs suffered from it, and I have made an effort to improve it as well as try to align ourselves with SPI so that the largest amount of pullers can pull either club (since we pull in each other's back yards).

I've changed my truck several times to be able to pull with one club or another, but I know many that won't. I'm hoping the region smartens up and tries to avoid that and give multiple levels of competition so that there is a feeder class, an advanced class, and then beyond. Without feeder classes and a logical progression, higher classes tend to fade.
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New member
Aug 28, 2011
blossvale ny
thats what we need is for someone to come up with a national set of rules so people will travel from the mid west to the north east for pulls. not only do we need it for diesels but for the gas trucks too. you go to the fairs and all the other pulls around and all you win is $100 for first so the ones with the biggest pocket books win every time. so with that said looking at the turn outs that come out to pull and the dedication of the guys you see at every pull to hook to the sled and know that they are pulling against guys that have alot more power then they do they do it for the love of the sport. so with rules to make it more fair and with better payouts you would see more and more guys and girls doing it. like i said earlier my truck does not have a lot of power but its fun to pull against your friends with the trucks like mine with not a lot done to it. in september i pulled in boonville and yeah i knew i was not going to win but there was three of my cusins pulling to so we made the compition between the family members and did it all for fun and the love of pulling and showing off our trucks in front of a crowed that wanted to see a show.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
central NY
Ya the problem in our area is the fairs just want a crowd an they get huge crowds for the pulls and they just pocket all the money when they should have a huge payback at least if nothing else.
I plan on having a few pulls at my place,Maximum Power Park,might have SPI there to put them on,if not I will set up a few classes with a good payback.


New member
Aug 8, 2010
Rome NY
There should definitely be a better set of uniform rules around CNY area.It amazes me how much the rules or specs for each class varies.Would be good if everyone went by the same specs when teching the trucks.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
central NY
Yup,thats mine....planning mud drags now,going to have some of the fastest guys in the country here in June,all the big dogs from Flordia are coming up..King Sling to. Sand drags sound be fun for all the street trucks to,Jim said he would do that. Ive got a ATV,dirtbike track and a wood chip track for sleds to...working on setting up a pulling track now.:woott:


Active member
Feb 25, 2008
Upstate N.Y
Yup,thats mine....planning mud drags now,going to have some of the fastest guys in the country here in June,all the big dogs from Flordia are coming up..King Sling to. Sand drags sound be fun for all the street trucks to,Jim said he would do that. Ive got a ATV,dirtbike track and a wood chip track for sleds to...working on setting up a pulling track now.:woott:

Sounds like a good time and close to me to boot :thumb: Is there a website?


New member
Dec 1, 2011
central NY
Website is up an should be finished this week,Facebook..Maximum Power Park.
When I had a meeting with the top pullers around a month ago,the guys the liked the way the rules are now,but not to say they wouldnt change.With alot of the top guys running a big bottle they like that they can beat alot of the big trucks with just a bigger shot...an the gas class have some guys running 600+cc motors with some guys on a shoe string budget.We wont see it change tomorrow,Ive been talking to same of the fairs to see if they would like a pulling organization like SPI,but then thats money out of the fairs pocket..so we will see where it goes,if it keeps growing like it was 20 yrs ago,they will have to do something for classes for everyone..MAYBE