We pride our selves in personally running all the turbo kits we sell to make sure they work properly and have first hand info when the product is ordered or questions about it need to be answered , we wouldn't be selling it if it didn't work properly or wasn't safe .
The non gated S366 with the billet wheel can be run to low 50 psi range and still be with in its map but right on the edge , I rate this turbo in non gated form to 700-750 hp before it is in danger of failing , we can add a waste gate to the kit, it is optional depending on whether you choose the cheaper version with the HTT install kit or our in house install kit, our install kit comes fully powder coated any color you want , custom 4" intake / 5" filter , new 3" hot side IC tube that deletes the stock 60 deg boot , 3.5" down pipe , RDL tubular ped , stainless steel oil lines , oil drain , and all the little things needed for install , our install kit adds about 360.00 to the kit cost of the Billet S366 on our site , we will be adding the other kit to the site in a few days but its the same install iit we use on our Precision kit , its only been out for a few weeks .
A waste gates only job is to insure the turbo isn't run off its compressor MAP , or to limit boost but in diesels we don't care to limit boost , just have to worry about the turbo's MAP , so unless your spinning the turbo to hard the there is no gain to having a waste gate .