As I'm awaiting the return of my trans, I thought now would be a good time to address a leaky output shaft seal. The seal has been replaced and that did not fix it. I will this time once again replace the seal as well as the slip yolk this time. While I got a 87 dollar discount on the vin matched slip yolk at the local dealer, I couldn't turn down a new 75 dollar spicer yolk elsewhere. Can anyone chip in on wether or not this Spicer unit will work fine. Same spline count, same diameters. The new spicer has a rib at the back where the diameter gets a little bigger. The seal sits in front of where that raised part is on the new yolk so didnt think it would matter. The casting numbers match. Again minor differences, just not sure if these differences will cause problems. The dealer yolk was 217 the spicer was 75 lol.