New pics of the Blower and Twin turbos!!


No Lemming Here
Aug 15, 2007
San Diego
Im more concerned with the driveline.

Driveline could be a blessing until you get all the bugs out of her... The cheapest thing to replace is the driveshaft... tear up a couple of those, trans is $$$$, motor is $$$$, rear ends don't grow on trees... A weak link isn't always a bad thing IMO.


No Lemming Here
Aug 15, 2007
San Diego
thats cool I guess, but how is that going to fit under the hood with all the accessories.

I hear ya, but he already made the manifold... so fab and driveability isn't the issue! :D

I see all custom stuff. DS exhaust around steering shaft? Maybe move the motor forward? that'll be tight. batteries in back, move or wrap the FICM next to the PS turbine, make new power steering lines, make filter mounts at an angle to avoid the core support upright, cut out the inner fenders, fuel lines/rails will be extra fun, access to bottom CP-3... its gonna be days just laying the motor out.

100K commitment in the engine bay. :eek: Unless your a Machinist/Fabricator/Mechanical Engineer with your own shop and its your truck!:)

Not bashing, acknowledging a brave soul!