My buddy is doing my head gaskets. I am using ARP head studs and GM "C" thickness head gaskets. Truck has 160k on it. Replaced the Injectors about 5K ago. Sent the heads to the machine shop to have the resurfaced. He has never done a set of duramax heads and talked to SoCal about doing them. They say they deck them all the time. Here is my question, do I replace or resurface. They are only 4 one thousands out. I am not really worried about clearances, I am worried about sealing injector cups. Pretty sure my head gaskets were popped, but what if it was just an injector cup from when I did the injectors. That was an 18 hour job and the head gaskets are a 40. Decking cost $450 new heads cost $1275. New heads come with includes guides, seats, and injector tubes. No worries about injector cups seating. I can also sell my old heads on ebay to offset the cost. Is it worth $800 for piece of mind? GM say not to resurface, but there is a conspiracy theory on that as raising the compression ratio will mess with emissions and this is why they say don't deck them. Whats everyone's advise? Gotta make up my mind soon. Truck has been down way too long.