There's a guy I know that has a SS running 11's on No2. I'll ask him what he's doing to get his to hook. I know he has street slicks on it. I'll see if he's doing anything else.
IMO i would do a straight center link and sleeves up front and cal tracks out back. Braces and and sleeves will keep things from breaking but i couldnt get my truck to launch smooth untill i put the centerlink in. Clamping the springs on the ss probally wont do as well as it dose on the 2500's due to the fact that the ss has a lot less spings.
With my E-locker, straight centerlink, sleeves, and my torsion bars lowered my truck is launching straight as an arrow now. Traction bars in the back were simple to make and made a huge difference in the back too.
I would say either the PPE/Superdiesel center link or Crank it up Diesels center link. IIRC you can get the PPE/superdiesel link right here from McRat!