Do you need a laptop with the auto cal?
No you do not need a laptop but it will only do a full flash on the LBZ and LMM operating systems.
what that means is if you have a LB7 or a LLY you can only load one tune in the truck at a time.So if you wanted to switch tunes you would have to stop and load another tune in.
For the LBZ and Lmm you can do a full dsp5 flash just like the v2.
We have been selling some but For the extra money the v2 is still the best option.
If you have any more questions give me a call.
its a spade series flash tuner pretty much like my ppe tuner. has jack tunes that are good for 320 to 440rwhp king tunes 320 to 530 rwhp and ace tunes for highly moded trucks. but i think i can pick to the tunes u get.
I'm pretty sure the "spade" is just what Duramax-tuner calls the autocal. They are the same thing he just named his something different.
ya thats why i went with ppe i dont know enough and didnt wana ruin anything. is it expesive to get if you dont mind me asking? and with the nob you can have 5 tunes on them right?
Sorry I can't remember the price but it does cost less than the full V2.
Yes you get 5 tunes that are switchable on the fly. I'm happy with the AutoCal.