I wish you all the luck, my only point to posting that info is make sure you find a GOOD tech to work on it. The dealerships will put any monkey on a truck to make a quick buck
I wish you all the luck, my only point to posting that info is make sure you find a GOOD tech to work on it. The dealerships will put any monkey on a truck to make a quick buck
This maybe a stupid thought, but did the lly top end swap ever cross yours guys minds after that many injectors sets?
what happened to the injectors that they had to all be replaced that many times so soon?
Well when he quoted the price on injectors he said he though they were around 150 a piece, I know that is way to low and he even told me that seems low but he didn't have the catalog in front of him. I'm guessing after labor this will be close to around $3500.
Cracked bodies
There are a couple fellas on here who have done it. I have seen LLY heads on ebay fairly cheap. With some quick math I am betting you could do the swap for around the same price of an injector replacement, maybe cheaper with some good shopping.
The issue with the swap is, well the heads are off I should stud it, hmmm... I'm studded now how bout a bigger huffer, more fuel and on and on...
but my question is how are the bodies cracking that fast over and over, i know some people go 100-200k on a set (150k originals myself)and others like yourself are barely making it 20-40k on a set, i know nobody knows the answer but if you went through that many sets so close together i would think there has to be a reason
My question is the same as yours... I wish GM or Bosch cared more to know, but this dealer seems to want to see what the issue is
Im now gettin a diesel smelling dark colored coolant in purge tank, people hate me at stop lights... But it is handy to have the smoke screen up while we are doin hay mosquitos are minimal
I would prefer to hear my head gaskets are going out, instant reason to upgrade to LLY Heads