There are several differences between a N2O and compressed nitrogen. N20 is liquid in the tank and Nitros is a gas. Also if you spray a lot and the bottle drops in temperature enough to frost, the nitros tank wrapped in fiber may crack the fiber bonds. That is why they do not put CO2 in a fiber wrapped tank. Sudden drops in pressure will cause the bottle to freeze and the fiber gets brittle and breaks. Once the fiber breaks, the tank is a ticking time bomb. Even with the burst disk, the metal is not strong enough without the fiber reinforcing to hold the pressure when the temperature spikes.
Want to see a cool trick. Buy one of those 6 oz CO2 tanks from Wallyworld, have it filled, and set it on the counter in your kitchen during the winter where the heater vent will blow on it. Quite possibly, the temperature rise in the tank from the heater will raise the temperature (pressure) in the bottle, and exceed the pressure of the burst disk.
(T1 / T2) = (P1 / P2)
As temperature increase pressure increases.
(I think I wrote the equation right)