My adventure in the salt.


Diesel Hotrodder
Aug 2, 2006
Norco CA
Sorry I've been a bit busy.

We didn't get the truck set up completely before we went. We left with no parachute or window clips, so we knew we would be limited to a max of 175.

We arrived on Sunday and got into line for tech. There is a "New Car" line you must get into, which they go over your truck with a fine tooth comb. They told us our window net was not adequate for LSR. So we came to an agreement that I would try to improve it, resubmit for inspection, then if it looked kinda OK, we would be allowed to run up to 150mph. Before you roll your eyes at 150mph, this is done in 2wd on a slippery surface at 6500' DA.

So we got a McGyver net together, and got approved for 150. Once you arrive with your race car/truck/bike, you must tow your vehicle everywhere, you are not allowed to drive anywhere but on the racetrack. There were 3 courses, a "long course" which is 5 miles, and 2 short courses which are 3 miles. First thing you do is a driver's meeting and rookie orientation, and you get to drive down the racecourse in the tow vehicle.


put on da damn helmet day
Apr 29, 2008
Sorry I've been a bit busy.

We didn't get the truck set up completely before we went. We left with no parachute or window clips, so we knew we would be limited to a max of 175.

We arrived on Sunday and got into line for tech. There is a "New Car" line you must get into, which they go over your truck with a fine tooth comb. They told us our window net was not adequate for LSR. So we came to an agreement that I would try to improve it, resubmit for inspection, then if it looked kinda OK, we would be allowed to run up to 150mph. Before you roll your eyes at 150mph, this is done in 2wd on a slippery surface at 6500' DA.

So we got a McGyver net together, and got approved for 150. Once you arrive with your race car/truck/bike, you must tow your vehicle everywhere, you are not allowed to drive anywhere but on the racetrack. There were 3 courses, a "long course" which is 5 miles, and 2 short courses which are 3 miles. First thing you do is a driver's meeting and rookie orientation, and you get to drive down the racecourse in the tow vehicle.

what's the reasoning for that???


New member
Mar 2, 2008
so cal
cool pat will you get to go faster tomarow ? yea i bet driveing on the salt is a bit diffrent for sure.

Salt Flats Ray

New member
Aug 21, 2008
Citrus Heights, Ca.
New B DT Record

To all the readers, Pat, his family and support team are smiling. With all
the white salt it was hard to see Casper blasting down the Salt to a new
two way record of 166.850 MPH. Top speed was 174.586. Pat you did
good keeping under 175MPH. NOW you have Salt Fever.


Doesn't know $hit...
Mar 7, 2008
Under a big a$$ rock...
I have been awaiting updates from someone (Johnny...) I am glad I could be even a tiny hand in this. Bore and Stroke data last minute in the tech line... Pat I could hear you in the back round just before I found the data on this site.


Mar 20, 2008
Santa Ana , Ca.
Sorry Bentley for not calling you more , I was running around alot and trying to help the Fam jump through all the hoops they asked us to do out there .

I even had to go to town to get event fuel for the diesel . They said they would have it but didnt . If your going for a record you have to have ERC put your fuel in and seal and sign the cap or your record is void . I loaded 4 cans of 20's in my truck and headed for fuel with ERC's credit card while the gang waited there for fuel . Held up our first run for an hour or so . And those damn pumps shutting off at 75$ was pissing me off jumping in and out of back of truck by myself and hoping the guys credit card would keep firing the pump back up .

About 3 o clock eveyday it seemed we all ran out of gas and started getting delerioius . One of my buds from Glamis saw me from Monster energy who was out there and hooked us up with many cases of drinks . I think thats how Pat kept going at it out there on more than one occasion in the heat . We all know Im naturally hyper and those drinks would jack my butt up worse than I already am . I cant drink them . Then id never shut up . I kinda dont already . :rofl:

It was hotter than hell in the afternoon . The sun was blasting you from all direction with the reflections on the salt . We would take recovery breaks in the motorhome A/C then back at it . There were more than a few times that Pat would suck down a Monster drink and just keep going at it on the truck getting the net right for the pesky tech .

I was running to town getting macgyver stuff , Kat was forcing us to eat . And the kids were awesome at helping at any time needed .

Wish you could of made it out there , you would have loved it brother .

Next year Im dragging you out there for sure . Even if I have to come through Reno to get you .



Doesn't know $hit...
Mar 7, 2008
Under a big a$$ rock...
Sorry Bentley for not calling you more , I was running around alot and trying to help the Fam jump through all the hoops they asked us to do out there .

I even had to go to town to get event fuel for the diesel . They said they would have it but didnt . If your going for a record you have to have ERC put your fuel in and seal and sign the cap or your record is void . I loaded 4 cans of 20's in my truck and headed for fuel with ERC's credit card while the gang waited there for fuel . Held up our first run for an hour or so . And those damn pumps shutting off at 75$ was pissing me off jumping in and out of back of truck by myself and hoping the guys credit card would keep firing the pump back up .

About 3 o clock eveyday it seemed we all ran out of gas and started getting delerioius . One of my buds from Glamis saw me from Monster energy who was out there and hooked us up with many cases of drinks . I think thats how Pat kept going at it out there on more than one occasion in the heat . We all know Im naturally hyper and those drinks would jack my butt up worse than I already am . I cant drink them . Then id never shut up . I kinda dont already . :rofl:

It was hotter than hell in the afternoon . The sun was blasting you from all direction with the reflections on the salt . We would take recovery breaks in the motorhome A/C then back at it . There were more than a few times that Pat would suck down a Monster drink and just keep going at it on the truck getting the net right for the pesky tech .

I was running to town getting macgyver stuff , Kat was forcing us to eat . And the kids were awesome at helping at any time needed .

Wish you could of made it out there , you would have loved it brother .

Next year Im dragging you out there for sure . Even if I have to come through Reno to get you .


I'm just razzing ya, I know how competition events are. Constantly trying to please the officials and there is always work to be done, you always think of something.

I am just glad that Casper was able to run! And I wish I could have come and tried to be of some assistance...

I flew to Chicago on Thursday and I was looking out the window of the plane (I sat on the left side of the plane for a reason...) waiting to see a streak of black smoke across the white salt. :D

Next year you won't have to worry about picking me up in Reno, I will either fly down to socal and drive up with you from there or I will be out there ready and waiting to help. :hug:

Again, congratulations to the McRat Racing Crew!!!!