Jason, I'm with you. I'm a conspiracy theorist to the fullest and don't give a shit what anyone else thinks.
Go drink some glyphosate then. Monsanto says it's okay!
I recently read an article talking about how breathing oxygen will eventually end up giving you cancer so..... better stop breathing.
Jason, I suggest you read some of the benefits of gmo's, and not just the "side effects."
It's all a give and take. Without gmo's farmers would use significantly more herbicides, fungicides and pesticides. I have yet to hear of anyone dying from eating GMO's.
Don't get me started on Immunizations, I think it is so irresponsible of a parent to not immunize their child, therefore endangering their child's life as well as other children.
Historically there have been more deaths because of no immunization vs. being immunized. That is a fact.
Jason, I agree the rest of your list are things that are unhealthy, or at least make you scratch your head. :hug:
Now, onto the drinks... I am not a fan of monster, but I actually use energy drinks to my favor. I agree 100% they are unhealthy. I have ADHD, and use caffeine when I absolutely need to concentrate.
The whole "monster is the devil" thing? It's all in how you want to interpret it. Personally I think they think it is more of "badass image" than them being satanists. I'm pretty sure the CEO of monster energy doesn't sit around a pentagram shouting "Hail Satan!" at his board meetings.
Go drink some glyphosate then. Monsanto says it's okay!