That's fine and dandy as long as you don't modify the injection pulse table. Even then, you have to take any of those calculations with a grain of salt.Why cant mm3 be used? If it is cubic millimeters fuel used per powerstroke, take and multiply RPM * 240 to get powerstrokes per hour then by your average or instant mm3 then divide by 3,785,411 to get gallons per hour. For instance, I turn 1800 RPM at 70MPH and average 27 Calc mm3 according to a recent efi live log.
1800 * 240 * 27 / 3,785,411 = 3.081 gal/hr
70 / 3.081 = 22.72 MPG
not too far off I think.. I'd like to create a custom PID in EFI Live scan to compute this on the fly.