Yes I do have a great update!!!!
After receiving Mike’s , I did a side-by-side comparison of both setrab & ppe coolers ,I noticed right away the orifices on the PPE cooler have up and down peaks Valley - Mountain -Valley Mountain -Valley -Mountain allowing the fluid to work harder to transition from one side to the other
On mike l cooler His was flat -flush and smooth Cut straight vertically up-and-down the fluid did not have to work hard to transition to the other side
(I don’t think I have a picture but I hope you get what I’m saying)
Both coolers had the same amount of channels The PPE was not blocked it went through and through that was the only differences I noticed with the two comparing them besides the fact that Mike’s cooler was a million times better built quality wasn’t even comparable! I’m sure there was more internally that I could not see.
At the end I am very very happy I went with Mike’s because I noticed The quality of the metal was million times better also my temperature DID Drop 20° I never did see that with the PPE cooler it was like I was running the factory OEM one so glad I made the swap!!
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