Holland is going to be a smokey place. I'm bringing a respiratorIt's getting so big.
They may have to involve the National Guard for crowd control
5 hours and 54 minutes from Alexandria, Ky Smoke Show. This should be fun.
Kat you can just fly. HAHAHAHA
Kat you can just fly. HAHAHAHA
Anybody below KY want to hook up for a major convoy let me know.
Yes, I'll be coming thru Ky on the 21st. Look for a big black cloud of smoke and several KSP patrol cars in pursuit.
yes, I-75On I-75 I assume??
HiredGun, which day are we rolling out? Have you booked a room yet? I need to ASAP! Anyone know a hotel around that allows med. sized dogs??
Would be kind of hard to fit Casper on a plane :rofl:
yes, I-75