McRat needs to buy a


<--Heavy Smoker
Jan 22, 2007
Albion, Nebraska
LOL, Nice work! Ready for another drunken MaxFarmer story? :D Last weekend was the towns alumni celebration. The wife and I went to town Sat night and I spent almost all night at the fooseball table (thats pretty much all I do in town). Town rules are you have to drink after every point, loser buys the round, you get skunked you buy shots. Well, some of the other guys got "smart" and said they were only buying peppermint schnapps....about 4 shots later I come to find out it was Rumplemintz (100 proof!) Put that on top of the beer drinks after every point and I was feeling pretty good.

Bar shuts down, I remember doing a quick burnout leaving the bar (wife went with some other ladies or she woulda hit me) but that was it. Well, cruising up and down main street I know I met the town bid deal. 15-20 min later I see him come out of the fire dept lot (at the end of main st) and then turn around right behind me. I know the ritual, I just pulled right back into the fire dept..... He begins to lecture me about being the blindest MF he's ever seen---I guess I lit the tires up right in front of him when he was sitting there and proceded to leave at least a 30yd set of blackies down the street---the whole time he's lecturing me though I honestly didnt recall doing it at all..... The wife spotted me pulled over and kicked my butt out of the truck and she drove me home. Next day at the alumni dance the cop wouldnt even listen enough for me to apologize. He was wasted then and he just kept repeating the "you must be the blindest or stupidest MF I've ever seen..."
I shoulda been in jail for sure.... :angel: