The crank shaft pos sensor can be cocked a little messing with readings big time, also. Correct?
Well,.... no. The ECM does not care. It uses the Crank Position Sensor to time the pulse, cocked or not. My Rig notes the injection event relative to the CKP signal also. So they should match up, and do for the majority of the time. Only since I have been playing in the 3000+ area has any difference between the two been big enough to stand out. If the CKP is mis-positioned, the error from the sensors alignment would always be constant. but only relative to the actual crank position.
FWIW, I have seen an engine with the CKP out as much as 6*, but most are within +/- 1* when they come from the factory. When you start swapping cranks, reluctors, front engine covers and so on, you can introduce a significant error. But on a stock engine, the factory has shimmed them fairly close.