Man did I get freaked out yesterday


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
With all the crap going on end of the world and such now this.

Yesterday at work one of my employees also a friend of for-ever was sitting on a stool . He was sort of hunched over and holding onto the bench. I asked him are you ok? He responds with "give me a minute". Looks like he was like in pain or something? So I ask him again are you ok ? He responds again "give me a minute"!

Then he yells out a scream and rolls off the stool onto the floor convulsing and continues to yell! It was only him and I here at the time with the exception of the girl in the office. So I'm like holly shit! Run to the phone call 911. I have NO CLUE whats wrong with him at the moment!

Now just so you know this was the first time anything like this has happened to me. I cannot recall the last time I called 911 in a emergency. Also I have seen some pretty horrific accidents cuts that went right to the bone ,not so little cut but a GASH and broken bones. So 911 they start asking me questions after questions. I don't want to NOT answer but in hind sight I should have just dropped the phone! I'm like lady just get someone here in a hurry he's struggling! I can hear him whaling around stuff moving then I hear him seriously laboring to breath.

I'm like lady I gotta get off this phone and she's like wait wait wont the phone reach to where he is? I shit you not! I'm like NO it's connected to the wall! She proceeds to tell me to calm down! I'm like just hurry get someone here! Ya I'm getting loud! Finally I get pissed drop the phone I KNOW I should have just dropped the phone already! Run in the office get the girl to assist! She runs out I grab the phone again tell her I'm done answering questions. So what seems like for-ever through all this is was probably only less then or somewhere around 3 mins or so but you know what it's like seems like for-ever but it was probably less then 3 mins,you know how it is. Is this standard pro-toe call to keep you on the phone? I mean WTF they asked basic question like phone number and address? Doesn't this come up on their screen?

So I'm with him now and when I approach him hes still on the ground he takes a defensive stance or perhaps like he was surprised to see me type look! He's white as a ghost and totally confused. He has blood coming out of his mouth (probably bite his tongue?) I'm telling him to stay down on the ground and you can tell he's confused.

Finally the cops and ambulance shows up they get him on the stretcher. He's starting to come around of course doesn't want to go to the hospital but since he has no clue what day it is and other things he should know they're taking him! WOW man I'll tell you this was messed up! I've never seen someone seizing , thats what so far they feel it was! I hope I never will again! I'll tell you some freaky azz shit! I've been told that you don't do much just keep them safe ,objects around them and put them on their side ,did all that! BUT I thought I'd would have been calmer cooler but dam it was like WOW !

I talked to him and all he remembers vaguely is me asking him if he's ok then NOTHING after that. Said he recalls feeling confused and could not concentrate.

Just thought I'd tell you what my day was like yesterday. Didn't say anything yesterday I think I was still freaked out! :D

Texas Chevy

Active member
Feb 14, 2011
Vista, Ca
I am a USMC drill instructor and had a recruit decide to jump face first off the second deck of the squadbay to the concrete floor and that made me freeze up momentarily to. Seen some messed up things that one made me pause in shock though.


Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
Good job calling 911. Sounds like you did well. The operator is trying to glean more information from you to better decide what services you need. Yes it is a bit frustrating, but if you were doing cpr just dial and set the phone down so they can hear you.


Fixing it till it breaks
Aug 25, 2008
Berthoud, CO
I was at a bachelor party in Vegas. Same exact thing happened to my buddy. He said he wasn't feeling good so he was just drinking water that day. We were out walking the strip on like a 110° day then walked into a freezing air conditioned hotel and he just stopped and started spinning. Then fell down and started convulsing. He bit his tongue as well and when he finally came back he had no idea what happened or his name. Luckily there was a doctor playing the slots right next to us. Sucks to hear man but glad it wasn't any worse though.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Yea it was intense and shocked the crap out of me isn't a fun thing to witness! When you see someone scream out then flopping around on the floor foaming at the mouth plus blood trickling out !! Your like WTF!!

When he stopped seizing he was laying on the ground using his arm to prop his head up like he was lying on the sofa watching TV looking at you like Ya what do you want whats the problem you think you're tripping! :D

Anyway sounds like he's gonna be OK gotta talk to him latter!


May 1, 2011
They also try to keep you on the phone to help keep you calm. You would be amazed about the stupid shit people do in situations like that. I came up on a atv wreck once and the guy was on the ground convulsing bad and his friend was flipping out and his friend said I have to get that helmet off of him and pulled out knife and said he was going to cut it off. Now minde you this guy is convulsing badly and is all over the place and his friend that is in a panik wants to stick a knife down by his neck to cut the strap to get it off so we had to restrain him from doing it. Probably 20 sec later the guy came to but his memory was a little fuzzy so we took him over to an emt station they had set up at the sand dunes and that was it.
Glad the guy you work with was ok.


Pushing my luck....
Jan 27, 2008
Monroe, MI
There really is no way to know how you will react in a situation like that. When something happens, especially to someone you know, emotions get intense. You just have to try and keep your head screwed on straight, call 911, and get help coming. Glad to hear everything is good now though!!:hug:


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Ya hoping he'll be ok I called to check on him and I spoke to his mom and he was getting a brain scan. Hopefully he'll just need meds and there is no under lying medical problem. Hate to bring it up but lost a friend last year where there was a under lying issue causing his seizers. Sucked


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
Bummer. See this sort of stuff pretty frequently. Changes your life as you can't drive etc are seizure free for a period of time.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
My mom has seizure they started when I was 15. Freaked me out. Had to hold her down a few times while we drove her to the hospital. No one could tell us for sure what was wrong for 3+ years.


Peanut butter and ladies!
Feb 2, 2009
Came up on a guy in his truck having a diabetic attack a couple years ago at a local gun shop. Ran inside and told the store owner to call 911 and he told me to just give him a mt. dew and he'd be ok in a bit. So I ran outside and tried to call 911 from my cellphone but it didn't go through so I ran back in and demanded that he call 911 now. So he finally complied and when I made it back to the truck he was convulsing and had white foam and coughing spit out of his mouth. So I pulled him out of the truck and sat him up against the tire so he wouldn't choke on his tongue. Emts arrived and got him stable and took him to hospital. I ran back in the gun shop and told the owner that he was a piece of shit and I would never buy from him again. Last year he got busted by FBI for selling guns to convicted felons and illegal immigrants and now resides in state pen.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Yes being the first time I'm glad that it worked out but like I said I felt weird that I was freaked as I'm not a panic type of guy! But the convulsing blood and silva foam coming out of his mouth was let's say something I'm not use to seeing! :eek:

Guess I'll be better prepared next time but I hope there is no next time!