If you all want to educate, dont criticize the newer people for asking about something that A.) They are clueless about. Point of a question correct? B.) Because you know about the topic and the history of it, does that make it right to bash the people for wanting something they want? This lope tune is a phase. I've noticed this with alot of the people that posted here. Alot have had the lope tune. The most of that percent got rid of it. I still have mine in, doesnt work well when the truck is warm, but makes for a nice fast idle at that point.
If you want to educate then educate. Dont bash over something that you can just easily say, "Hey dont do that. Its not good for your ride." I know ive asked some dumb questions on here before, and i havent got bashed for them. Just again my .02 on the topic. :cool2: