It is the lack of respect, really. The rioters have no respect for our system of government, and no respect for other people's property. They break all kinds of stuff and never think that someone else worked hard to get the car/store/whatever they just smashed.
I am not a huge fan of Trump (but he was a way better choice than Hillary for what I prioritize in this world), but he is still the president. You don't have to like the man (or woman) in the office, but you should respect the office itself. I didn't like Obama, but I respected the fact that he was president.
Complaining is one thing. It is our right to complain (and I do it often lol). Heck, you can even go on a peaceful march to try and get people to listen to your whiny ass. But you have no right to destroy other people's (or public) property. That is the difference between someone with an opinion, and a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum.
I hope Trump is a wakeup call, not just to our political system, but to the people. Neither party is doing a good job representing the average American's interests and values. And contrary to what some want you to believe, I don't feel there is a real divide between the people in this country. We all just need to get/stay involved in politics, and get a government that truly cares for the people. Rioting won't do that. Hard work will.
But we can't have that, now, can we :baby: