The tires will take a "set" and go THUMP THUMP THUMP ... for a couple hours unless you get them unladen.
Acids in the oil can cause corrosion in the engine when sitting. So never do long-term storage with dirty oil.
Batteries will be trashed if left connected without trickle charging. Solar trickle chargers work, but you will have to wipe off the snow.
Drain fuel if realistically possible due to the fact that diesel absorbs water, and the water forms algae. Or add an algacide fuel treatment first. But since our fuel system is sealed, you should be OK.
Big problem is often rodent damage. No real answer for this except poison bait under the truck. After a few are killed, they tend to avoid the area for awhile. Mice and rats like to find dark, quiet, hard to reach places to nest, and cars/trucks are perfect habitat.