What do I gotta do to delete the egr and that def shit?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I need to do the same with my LML as I have some emission codes and the warranty is up. Since I have a V2 already can I just buy a tune from Kory or whoever and just load it myself without buying anything. I'm assuming so but it's confusing what I've read for the LML.
So you can delete the def on LML's with EFI live?
O wow i didnt know that. Im gonna have to read the file on my buddys lml and see how complicated those things are!
Whats the catch?
Well thats b.s. How does a private party (myself) go about tuning an LML with efi live than?
You dont unless you have 10k+ to invest into hardware and alot of time to figure it all out. Atleast thats my (LIMITED) understanding of it from reading various threads on the subject..
You dont unless you have 10k+ to invest into hardware and alot of time to figure it all out. Atleast thats my (LIMITED) understanding of it from reading various threads on the subject..
Oh ok just let me find my check book....I guess we'll Just leave the lml's to the "pros" than haha. Thanks for all the info.