I dont really think he would have a waste gate stuck open are turbos are electronic and is done by vanes whitch im sure u no. He sayed his truck was complety stock and slow as hell
I dont really think he would have a waste gate stuck open are turbos are electronic and is done by vanes whitch im sure u no. He sayed his truck was complety stock and slow as hell
Well, scratch the wastegate, but check his vane position. Sorry, I was thinking you mentioned a wastegate in the chat room the other day. Anyway, guess I was wrong.
I I told him to take the grab the turbin and see if it spins freely or makes any noise. Told him to wiggle it and see if theres any play in the turbo its self and check it to see if it looks like its been burned he is bringing the truck over this week or next week so we can furthure dienose the probley. He sayed at 60 mph the truck does not have any turbo noise once so ever and that when he lays into it She blows smoke until the turbo is spooled. This is bone stock tuning.