Ok fixing to get a Lbz reg. for my lly cp3. What am I going to have to change in my tunes? I don't have korys password so can't check that out. Heard it was only one graph to change?
If its a stock regulator you aren't going to have to change anything as far as regulator current... I didn't on my LLY. You could go in and change the Fuel Pressure Base table and increase mPa up to 190 in the lower right portion
You should be just fine... Log RP at idle just to be sure everything is good
My rail pressure is a steady 23k with it set at 190, so I'm assuming I can throw the Lbz reg in there and then it will be 28k right? Lb7 should be the same.
That tune must have a pretty low commanding uS... On a 3300 uS tune my truck with an LBZ regulator would hit 25k but held pretty strong at 22000.
Make sure and reascale your rail pressure sensor table before you go commanding more than 180 for rail pressure. As for the currentt table some need changing, and some don't. From what I have read pretty much all LB7's need adjusting, but LLY's seem to be able to adjust better to it. You can always log desired VS actual rail valve current and rescale it to make it exact.
7777 is password
Quick fix=add 10% to flow vs voltage table.
B1011 needs to be changed to run higher than 160mpa on most too.
So went from one simple thing to a bunch!? Which is it? Lol