It’s not possible something happened to the torque converter or something in the transmission that locked it up tight causing the engine to just quit. You wont have oil pressure on a stopped or stalling engine.
I’m not sure besides seeing if you can pull the transmission rearward out of converter.Hmm... Very good point. I just jumped to the conclusion it was the engine.
I'll dig in a little more. Any thoughts on how I could check if the transmission is not turning? I specifically remember tightening all 6 of the torque converter bolts.
Seems like I would have heard something.... all windows were up and no radio on!
But to his point, if something like the transmission fluid pump locked up. The converter and thus engine won't spin. But you can still get the rear end to rotate with it in neutralIt spins freely. I was able to winch it on the trailer.
MAYBE this will answer your question is the thrust bearing located?
The Thrust is on #5 rear main.