too damned funny. Sorry no video. I finished filling the truck, jerry jugs, and the little kubota bx25. I round the fuel pumps to leave, and some little maxima chirps his tires leaving his pump, trying to beat me to the exit; WTF?! So I just kept moving along and he decided it was a bad idea to broadside my trailer. He blows the horn and comes around me to block the entrance as I'm sitting in the exit. He tried to jump traffic (right turn onto two lanes of travel; strong oncoming traffic), and that didn't work. Cars trying to enter are backing up and pissed. I popped out and purposely blocked both lanes as I lazily made my wide right turn in both lanes... he then tried to pass me (heard that chirp again). I let him make it to my back bumper and punched it. Truck and trailer dusted him. I saw his out of state plate and knew he was going for the highway exit in the right lane (me too), so when he gave up and slammed the brakes, I slowed down so he was trapped in the wrong lane. He stopped the lane and put on his blinker and NO ONE let him change lanes, HAHAHA. He missed the entrance and laid on the horn at me as I exited and laughed my ass off; finger extended. Welcome to NJ asshole, pay the toll and go home, hahahahaha.