JV Team starting Third World War


Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
everyone in Washington is a whore..... they would all need to go and be replaced with someone who does not have their hand out....


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
^^Lol Let me guess your a Trumpkin.... Calling anyone thats made this far running for President an idiot is pretty weak argument at best. That goes for Clinton and Bernie too.

Max Attitude

Mar 7, 2012
Caledonia, MI
Yep Ted Cruze

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:thumb: If anyone took the time to know him….he's the only one running who has stood down a bunch of bs in washington and a true conservative…unlike Trump who is a liberal con artist. The only way to know these people is by what they have done in the past. Cruz is the man.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
What I find funny is Cruz said he wants to build a wall on the border, but you don't hear about that in the news. Meanwhile Trump says the same thing and he's a racist. I don't get it.

Cruz was also born in Calgary for those that didn't know so he can't be all bad.

From this side of the border though, I feel Trump would be the better leader. He actually has balls and says what he wants. Right or wrong I'd rather have someone like that in power than a side of the mouth talker that says only what people want to hear. And does the opposite behind closed doors.

Either way though both are better options than those running for the jackass party.

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It’s only temporary!
Apr 28, 2009
Natrona Heights PA
Cruz is owned by Goldman-Sachs. No thanks.
Trump doesnt play the globalist game. He warned about Brussels weeks before. While I dont agree with him fully, hes the only one with the balls to go after the real terrorists. If the EU would stop letting those people in, this wouldnt happen. Its a plan to destabilize the west. Merkel shoild be arrested.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Trump is the Obama of the Republican party. "Hope and change" he has no substance. In 2012 he said Clinton would be a great president not to mention all the Dems he has donated too. He is an entertainer and all he is or has done is run his mouth.

Cruz is owned by Goldman? Come on he reported the loan in 2012. At one point the loans from Citi and Goldman reached $1mill and has been payed way down. $1mill 4 years ago is a drop in the bucket when your running for president.

Max Attitude

Mar 7, 2012
Caledonia, MI
Trump is the Obama of the Republican party. "Hope and change" he has no substance. In 2012 he said Clinton would be a great president not to mention all the Dems he has donated too. He is an entertainer and all he is or has done is run his mouth.

Cruz is owned by Goldman? Come on he reported the loan in 2012. At one point the loans from Citi and Goldman reached $1mill and has been payed way down. $1mill 4 years ago is a drop in the bucket when your running for president.

Yup, I hardly believe a thing he says. He has always funded the other party now he's suddenly patriotic? C'mon guys. :rolleyes: The stuff people point out on Cruz is nothing compared to the other candidates running! 2008 all over agin on the Republican side this time….what a shame.

If Trump is the nominee I will still vote for him….reluctantly. Just about anyone better than Hillbilly or Obummer.

Max Attitude

Mar 7, 2012
Caledonia, MI
Cruz is owned by Goldman-Sachs. No thanks.
Trump doesnt play the globalist game. He warned about Brussels weeks before. While I dont agree with him fully, hes the only one with the balls to go after the real terrorists. If the EU would stop letting those people in, this wouldnt happen. Its a plan to destabilize the west. Merkel shoild be arrested.

He might have the balls to do it…he might be all talk. Not a good record to go on seeing how he has always pandered to the dems.
"The top Republican recipient of Trump’s money is Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) who has collected $13,600 from the billionaire magnate, the second most of any politician. Trump did not contribute to McCain during the 2010 election cycle, during which the former presidential candidate was facing re-election.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has received the fourth-largest amount of Trump’s contributions, including $4,800 in the successful 2010 campaign against Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle. In total Trump has contributed $10,400 to Reid.

However, of the nearly $420,000 Trump has donated to committees, the largest recipient has been the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee with $116,000 — or more than one fourth of his total contributions to all party and political action committees." -Patriotupdate.com

Cruz is a true red blooded patriot. Read for yourself-

"In his first two years in the Senate, Senator Cruz has not only amassed a near-perfect voting record, he has become the leading conservative voice on a number of policy issues, spanning the full-spectrum of influence from fiscal to social to foreign policy matters. Whether it’s through floor speeches, media appearances, legislation and initiatives, or even harnessing the power of social media, Cruz has led the charge for the conservative movement in fights related to Obamacare, energy, guns, debt, immigration and foreign policy issues.

Cruz has made it clear that he did not come to Washington to make friends, and he’s kept good on his promise to fight even when it is not popular.[1] In what has been an unprecedented dynamic for a freshman senator, Cruz has become the most vocal leader on many issues, rather than maintain the traditional low-key profile.

While known for his work on domestic issues, he has also been a key voice for a traditional, conservative foreign policy – one which is robust against our enemies but not too interventionist. His work scuttling the IMF bailout, standing strong for Israel, and blocking an Iranian terrorist from obtaining a visa, serves as some of his greatest accomplishments."

- See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/members/ted-cruz/#sthash.d8tEfIZH.dpuf
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