Just Done with smoking cigarettes


Nov 9, 2008
Yreka Ca
Couldnt breath very well splitting wood yesterday, huffing and breathing hard. Took wheelbarrow to empty it, was out of breath there as well..
How many of you guys use these Electronic Cigarettes, i know it is gonna be hard to quit and i must wanna quit for this to happen which i do. I wanna buy one of these E-cigs vapor and would like to see if anyone else had any success with these.. Also could u tell me which E-cig thingy u use..


LLY Cult Leader
Oct 19, 2008
I'm currently 1.5 months into quitting with the e-cig. It definitely makes it bearable. No point in torturing yourself...

The e-cig is nowhere near the same as smoking, but it takes the edge off enough that you **** with it for a few months (charging it, buying more 'juice') until it pisses you off and you dont need it anymore. Then you're golden. :thumb:


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I quit in 1995 for 10 years like a dumb ass starred up again in 05 and quit again in July of this year,both times and I feel the only way is just get pissed off and quit cold turkey.

By the way I quit for the same reason in July I couldn't breath! Just do it! Smoking sucks ,it stinks,it's expensive, it's real bad for your health, it stinks!

As far as the elec cigs which I tried the brand Blu I liked the best. Only issue was getting the cartridges . Finding them in stores ,not many sold them,then they'd run out online. Pissed me off. I didn't use them as a quitting crutch but as a alternative.

But they are all about the same in reality. To each their own like anything. Best thing you can do os quit. Get three days under your belt and you have it kicked.

Good lkuck


May the farce be with you
Jun 9, 2012
IM with Mackin on this one

You just gotta be fed up and walkaway, I crushed a half a pack in my hands October 27 2010 and never looked back. Once you have cemented the idea of never touching one again, and convince yourself you body does not "require" them it was pretty easy.

It's all in your mind

I was a cigarette smoker for 14 years


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
IM with Mackin on this one

You just gotta be fed up and walkaway, I crushed a half a pack in my hands October 27 2010 and never looked back. Once you have cemented the idea of never touching one again, and convince yourself you body does not "require" them it was pretty easy.

It's all in your mind

I was a cigarette smoker for 14 years

CORRECT RIGHT ON THE MONEY! THATS WHAT I DID BOTH TIMES! Plus the whole time a co worker continued to smoke and it didn't faze me.


you know
Nov 25, 2010
Sandwich, Illinois
I wanted to quit for so many years and couldn't get the nerve to do it until I came down with flu Feb 2011. Couldn't breathe anyhow with flu so I decided it was my opportunity and took it. Haven't looked back. 45+ years of smoking. Quit 1 day at a time. Don't smoke today. Worry about the next when you get there. Same the day after that. Before long you get to a point where you don't want to have wasted all that time. THAT'S when you've made it. Good luck. It's easier than you might think.


Old Geezer
Jun 27, 2008
Madras, OR, Pahrump NV
Agree cold turkey is the only way. In 1988 I was grubbing in my ash tray for a butt to smoke on my way to work and thought, this is totally retarded and just quit, started in 1960 so 28 years for me. First month was hell and for the first year every time I did come activity where I really enjoyed smoking I'd get the craving again. Playing golf, hunting,(loved the pipe sitting around the camp fire at night). Never did get the urge to smoke that much after dinner or out on the town. If I'm in a bar there they still allow smoking it only takes a second and your hair and clothes reek of the smoke. At today prices quitting a pack a day habit is like getting a nice raise.:thumb: I haven't had one in my mouth at all since 1988. I know how easy it is to start again and I don't even want to chance it.


The Still Master
Switch to dip :thumb:

So a hole can rot in your mouth and you can get jaw and cheek cancer !!!

Never smoked, never dipped, could never get the reasons for putting over 300 bad chemicals and carcinogens in your body.

My Aunt and Uncle and my Mother smoked for 45+ years, all three are in sad shape, not one of them can breathe, my Uncle is so bad he can barely walk to the bathroom without needing a nap.

Why people destroy themselves smoking or chancing jaw/cheek/gum cancer dipping is beyond me.

I know we supposedly live in a free country, but I was glad when they banned smokers from bars and restaurants !!!!



Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
Cold turky 7.5 years ago for me.Thats the only way I think. YOU have to be ready and willing. I have still wanted a smoke on many different occasions since. I started riding a mountain bike and holy crap I could not breath. Now I can ride with the best of them. Hang in there!!!


Active member
Aug 4, 2009
So a hole can rot in your mouth and you can get jaw and cheek cancer !!!

Never smoked, never dipped, could never get the reasons for putting over 300 bad chemicals and carcinogens in your body.

My Aunt and Uncle and my Mother smoked for 45+ years, all three are in sad shape, not one of them can breathe, my Uncle is so bad he can barely walk to the bathroom without needing a nap.

Why people destroy themselves smoking or chancing jaw/cheek/gum cancer dipping is beyond me.

I know we supposedly live in a free country, but I was glad when they banned smokers from bars and restaurants !!!!

my great uncle is 76 years old. dipped a can a day since he was 14. His mouth is perfectly healthy


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
It affects everyone different. My wifes parents smoked like a chimney and (had Father inlaw died) have to be on oxygen. My dad smoked like crazy ,smokes very little today at near 80 and has minor issues. Yet some never smoke and die of lung cancer. Bottom line smoke chew it's a dirty nasty habit.

Just like chewing your teeth can turn brown plus your spitting just gross :D


Active member
Aug 4, 2009
It affects everyone different. My wifes parents smoked like a chimney and (had Father inlaw died) have to be on oxygen. My dad smoked like crazy ,smokes very little today at near 80 and has minor issues. Yet some never smoke and die of lung cancer. Bottom line smoke chew it's a dirty nasty habit.

Just like chewing your teeth can turn brown plus your spitting just gross :D

anytime someone tries to have a conversation and i dont want to talk to them, i pull out my can and shovel tobbaco into my mouth without breaking eye contact. It will usually gross them out and make them be quite. if not they get to watch me spin it around in my lip for a few minutes till i get it settled hahaha


Dead Wrong
Mar 4, 2008
With smoking you obviously have the pulmonary aspect and that is what smokers feel first. A lot of studies show however that any tobacco users (smoke, chew, etc) are at a very high risk for colon cancer. All in all its a bad deal, trust me I see these people every day.


Nov 9, 2008
Yreka Ca
Thx fellas, as a pipe welder I get both of bad worlds, smoke from welding and cigarettes. I have quit for one yr before using those patches and I felt great after a month of no cigarettes.. I think it's gonna be harder this time.