I'm welding
this into the front of the truck LBZ Y-bridge. Then using
one of these to get from from the Banks 3" boost tubes I ordered to the turbo and the Y-bridge. For the intake I'm coming off the S&B LBZ intake box with a 6" ID 90* elbow, to an aluminum 6" OD 45* bend to get over the valve cover to the 6" to 5.5" ID 90" elbow attached to the turbo.
We'll see if it all comes together the way it does in my head. The Y-bridge and silicone tube should work out fine. Lucky for me Super Diesel and sweetdiesel have a good bit of pics of under their hoods so that I could work out the angles I would need. No more O-rings in the Y-bridge, I plan to bolt the Y-bridge to the runners before bolting them on the heads so that I can get to the bottom bolts in the front.