Installing gauges on lb7


New member
Jan 30, 2018
Surprise, AZ
Ok I've bought a 3 pack gauge setup. Boost egt and 30psi fuel gauge. After some research I know to put the egt probe on right side manifold. Now I've heard of several places to put the boost gauge, but I'm not sure where the best place will be. Also where's the best place to put the fuel gauge? I am installing an air dog when I do the gauges. Any help is appreciated.


chock full of goodies
Jul 7, 2010
Col. Ohio
tee in to the waste gate hose for boost and I believe there is a fuel fitting conversion for the bleed screw location.


<that’s not me...
Sep 29, 2014
Granite Falls NC
Why passenger manifold?

I drilled and tapped my boost gauge into my y bridge. That way I knew exactly how much boost my engine was getting.


Aug 31, 2017
Passenger side for egt, just because it is the easiest to access. The airdog has a plug hole just for pressure sensor.

With the boost sensor, the never ending discussion. I have mine teed in at the wastegate. I do have the the plug to replace the intake air heater just have not felt the need to do it. I would rather see what pressure my turbo is seeing. Others want to see what boost their engine is seeing. Boost will be lower after the intercooler. Either is fine.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
EGT -- passenger manifold. Follow the way most of us have done it....engine running, slow on the drill, etc....
Fuel -- on the Airdog or at the filter head using the adapter
Boost -- on an LB7 Id steer toward seeing what the turbo sees, so tie into the wastegate line. LB7 turbos dont like much more than 30-32 psi max.


New member
Jan 30, 2018
Surprise, AZ
So I installed the gauges today. The gauges are nice but the pillar pod is piss poor to say the least. Glowshift needs to rethink their design. It's so tight at the gauges, I couldn't put the brackets on that hold the gauges in. I also know now that at WOT I'm pulling 24-25psi. I wonder how I can increase thanks for all the help guys.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
I know I'm a little late to help the OP, but since I just now saw this, I'll go ahead and throw in my 2 cents for anyone else searching on this:

EGT- I prefer to put this in the driver's side manifold. It is a little more difficult to access (much easier to get to from underneath though), but if/when your manifold cracks where it was drilled and tapped, you have the option of doing a factory LML manifold "upgrade" or installing a BD manifold with a reinforced port cast into it.

Boost- like others mentioned, you can T into the waste gate hose (remember if you have a boost increase valve, you need to put your T on the turbo side of the valve, not between the valve and the waste gate), or you can do an intake air heater delete plug with a tapped port for a boost gauge. You also have the option of drilling and tapping into the intake bridge pipe, but I think the other two options are better.

Fuel pressure- I prefer to hook up my fuel pressure gauges after the factory fuel filter. This is a good way to monitor for a plugged filter. I have never had a plugged filter before, but I have the assurance that if I run into an issue, I will know because there is no possible restriction after my gauge (with the exception of a possible collapsed hose).

Just as a final thought, glow plug gauges are junk. I do not recommend them to anyone, and I refuse to install them. I know they're appealing because they are cheap, but what is the point of having gauges if they don't work or aren't accurate?