Marine applications are bastards for thermal shocking all engine parts. Blocks and heads too.
I thought you had run some Oval Bowls....
The main problem has to do with pressurization of the area above the fire ring. Think of a fire cracker in a paper cup and how it splits. If that area does not pressurize enough, the piston will fail under normal loads and applications. There is no margin.
That sounds reasonable, as I kinda recall the discussion on pressures vs timing BTDC and piston stress points. Unlike the stockers I've seen, this Mahle didn't crack across the top or the lip. Only a hole in the bowl, sure wasn't what I expected... Then realized there was no improved oiling, which skews all the data of similar pistons in my original LLY marine setup.
Any yes I have "two" marine engines setting here with 16:1 oval bowls and TBC ready to fire up. It's just been a on again off again build, that's finally about ready to wrap up.
Mailbu, I don't know what his oil temps were cause he wasn't monitoring them at that time. Originally there was both insufficient oil and air cooling issues, which were corrected after the first stock piston failure.
My boat never saw a 195F EOT after the last rebuild. Typically ran somewhere around 165-180F tops. Because the coolers we run are so massive and copper core, the oil temps typically didn't fluctuate very quickly. Reason this one has me stumped. The engine above saw 60+lbs of boost running compounds, then went to a medium size single and ran cooler with much less pressures. Till it popped..