I'm An Idiot


New member
Apr 22, 2007
Alberta, Canada
This morning I was backing into my usual parking spot at work, and I missed the mark and backed into a post. I don't know if it was lack of sleep or what, but I sure felt like an idiot. I only ended up with a scuff on the bumper, so I guess it's not that bad. But jeez what a start to the day. :eek:


New member
Dec 16, 2006
las vegas
This morning I was backing into my usual parking spot at work, and I missed the mark and backed into a post. I don't know if it was lack of sleep or what, but I sure felt like an idiot. I only ended up with a scuff on the bumper, so I guess it's not that bad. But jeez what a start to the day. :eek:

well atleast you were the 1 that did it and not someone else:rofl:

Out of all my cars, I have only damaged 2 of them and the rest was always someone else:mad: (the WIFE usually:D)



Team Salad Bartender
Aug 13, 2006
sootville, Fl
Post a picture of the post.:D. Sorry, It's just a beauty mark. I have a story for all of them.
The story where the turbo tried to come through the hood is a good one, if you ever want to hear it..
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Perfect Sleeper
Jan 22, 2008
This morning I was backing into my usual parking spot at work, and I missed the mark and backed into a post. I don't know if it was lack of sleep or what, but I sure felt like an idiot. I only ended up with a scuff on the bumper, so I guess it's not that bad. But jeez what a start to the day. :eek:

I'm telling you the bumpers on these things are pretty nasty. I was doint doughnuts in a buddy's field last summer at night (just a hay field) and ran right through 4 fence posts. No rails on them yet as he was putting in a new fence, but I took 4 of them out with the front bumper... it tore my vanity tag off the front, and one fog light got busted, and that was it. We got out and he about crapped himself that was all the damage.

He's a dodge guy so I just looked at it calmly as if I wasn't suprised at all, and said without cracking a smile "Like a rock..." As soon as I got by myself though I was on my knees thanking my Maker that I didn't have to have an insurance claim for doing illegal doughnuts in someone elses field! :rofl:


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
damn tuff luck, nothing pisses me off more than a ding or scratch or anything out of the ordinary on my truck...