I am getting married this evening!!!


LMM Fanatic
Sep 2, 2006
Houston, TX

It was at my grandmothers house back home and went great even with my redneck family and her city snob family/friends doing all of the wedding planning.

i thought i was going to miss my own wedding!:eek: 1.5 hours before i was still at my grandmothers house with all of my groomsmen setting up. I think it was the first time in about a 1 year that i sweat a shirt threw. it seemed that my family and grooms men were expected to do all of the labor :confused: with out being told and some people (mother in-law) were too good to worry about how to get it done even though they said it was taken care of. to bad "taken care" of actually means you and your family/groomsmen will have to do it. THANKS!! :mad:

My wife and i were so upset at her parents. they treated my family like they were back woods hicks even though our house looked 100x better than their table cloths they brought :mad: my wife has not talked to her mother since the wedding :p

but with that rant over it went great everyone had a great time. we all had plenty of drink and fun! :D lots of drinking: 125 -150 people 2 kegs several cases of fancy beer a case or two of champaign, and several bottles of wine were drink. oh and a margarita machine. i drank all afternoon and was feeling good most of the reception. we (Bride, Groom, and brides maids plus a boyfriend) took a limo to corpus christy (1.5 hour drive) after it was all done. it was a fun drunken trip. i finished another bottle of wine on the trip:eek: and was one of the more sober people in the limo :D.

and there was the wedding night...

the hotel needs to replace the shower handle :D


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY

and there was the wedding night...

the hotel needs to replace the shower handle :D

WOW :eek: TMI

In all seriousness, congrats man. Mine's in 10 days - July 5th. I've had some family issues as well that have been hard to swallow. Oh well, I'm confident that God is leading me and my faince to do the right things and we couldn't be more happy with one another so all is good in spite of the little issues.



LMM Fanatic
Sep 2, 2006
Houston, TX
WOW :eek: TMI

In all seriousness, congrats man. Mine's in 10 days - July 5th. I've had some family issues as well that have been hard to swallow. Oh well, I'm confident that God is leading me and my faince to do the right things and we couldn't be more happy with one another so all is good in spite of the little issues.


congrats!!! don't let the small things get in the way. they mean little when it is all said and done. or at least that is what i realized that evening. :hug:

you should have a good aniverery each year!!!