My experience with HPT on my duramax was terrible, I use it for my Silvy SS ok ish. On my LLY it was impossible to load a tune at high speed and normal speed takes 10-15 minutes if I was lucky enough to have the tune load and not fail. All the new HP Tuner cables come with the 2.2.3 beta software which is awful on anything. My understanding is that you can't go back to 2.2.2 if your cable came with 2.2.3. There isn't much support for diesels let alone the gasses since there has not been a true software update in like 5 years, they just keep shoving a glitchy beta down our throats.
Also if you need a tune patch and your lucky enough to have a 2.2.2 cable you have to load a tune in the truck, update to 2.2.3, pull the tune off the truck, email it to HPT, get it back, load it in the truck using 2.2.3, revert back to 2.2.2 (very frustrating), and pull the tune off the truck to have it in 2.2.2 format. Personally I'm done with HPT, I'm currently parting my race truck out and the new car I'm building is getting mega squirt. I think there were some tables missing as well for my LLY