How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
Kidturbo, you very neatly avoided my question on how long you think we should all wear masks... So if I did comply and wear one, how long will it take to accomplish whatever it is you want to see accomplished?
According to the head of the CDC in testimony to Congress several weeks ago if everyone just wore a mask this would likely be under control in under 6 weeks. Melbourne Australia had what they considered an outbreak, lock the place down for six weeks, pretty much back to zero now.

The whole track and Trace philosophy only works if you can keep track of all the contacts and get them to cooperate. That got out of hand in Melbourne, they threw the $5,000 fine up Said Stay and your dang house. Attitude is everything I guess...

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Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
While I read this thread on a site I have been on since nearly when it started I am a bit sad that some attack you without looking in the mirror and understanding their actions affect others. Another person that I know has passed on Sunday due to this virus making the number 5. Three of the people were convinced their own carelessness had gotten them ill. Another was sickened by a nurse that traveled between jobs and the last did not know where they contracted it. I also know 4 people that contracted it and did not die. My wife is a teacher, luckily she is still teaching from home. If not, she would have 160 high school kids that she does not know where they have been or how many contacts their families have had. Should the kids be allowed to not where masks to risk my wife's life? 3 kids that she is teaching remotely have contracted it but have not gotten very ill, but in class it could have spread to the other kids or my wife and possibly killed her. Parents at the school don't want their kids having to wear masks... stupid.
I don't like wearing a mask but have been since the beginning for work. I am here to say it has not been that big of a deal. I have seen way more energy spent complaining about wearing them that actually spent to put them on when requested. Just follow the guidance its not that hard and maybe other will not lose 5 people they know.
I'm sorry to hear of you being so adversely affected by COVID. I'm not saying this to minimize your loss but rather to put it into perspective. I personally know 8 people who have had COVID (including myself), but I don't know a single person who has died from it.
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Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
I'm sorry to hear of you being so adversely affected by COVID. I'm not saying this to minimize your loss but rather to put it into perspective. I personally know 8 people who have had COVID (including myself), but I don't know a single person who has died from it.
Glad you have experienced a more positive outcome for those you know and yourself.:) That's the exact reason we all have to respect each other's situations and do what we can to be a positive influence in this world.


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
Boys, this site is not for your political views. it was light hearted and little inbetween in the beginning but we are too far down the rabbit hole. Plenty of other sites or places you can hash this out but not here.

This is not silencing or stopping anyone short, The fact it went as long as it did was a pretty good testament to that. This is a duramax performance forum, as such, politics stay out of here. Mikes intent for this thread was never to have this, he was just checking on his friends...
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