Perception has nothing to do with it, it is what it is. Problem is some mods take their jobs too seriously. Your not getting paid for it, as a matter of fact, you can just consider yourself cheap labor, well free labor. Making Auto Forums money hand over fist. The mods here do a pretty good job, no one seems to be making a career out of it, and they know its just a forum, people are going to say things to make other people mad, were not in elementary school anymore, and they let it work itself out for a bit, unless it gets completely out of hand. It seems some of the mods over there wanted to be cops when they got older, that or they were the little kid picked on in highschool, so now its pay back time. Me, myself would never want to be a mod for that place, i really dont feel like helping out a big corporation for free. But it seems to be some guys fantacy's or something. If it makes someone sleep better by giving me an "infraction" than so be it. It makes me feel better to tell you i dont give a shit about your infractions, or you dumb ass points, and it must suck to be taking so much of your own time to make a big corporation money...for free..:rofl:
as the big guy on the dp would say... comprende? :rofl: