Pulled a 30' gooseneck with an all terrain forklift today from ky to wv. About a 250 mile run. In the hills of ky everything seemed fine, plenty of power, ect around 190-200. Once I got into some of the longer, steeper grades in wv, ect was imo way too high. Around 230-240F. Both my LBZ's run hot like this and I can't stand it. As soon as you let out or come off grade, ect drops quickly. I've never thought either of the clutch fans work properly. I think they should kick in sooner than they do. It was only 54 degrees today. Truck just had head gaskets, new water pump, new thermostats, hoses, everything. I've read where others say that high of temp was the norm, but I really think I'm going to end up destroying a motor. Thoughts, comments or suggestions welcomed.