are you asking why its important not to have high sodium/magnesium/potasium/lead/and coppr levels in your engine and oil?
My though is if you are gonna play with drugs may as well use nitrous.
Because external contaminants wear engine components faster.I believe you. But why is it important?
And your reason for this is............?
if you spray drugs into the motor make it worth your while. Tylerrustlb7 made a measley 8hp with wm today. Some have commented on power loss and bogging with wm. If you are gonna make power and use drugs to do it suck it up and spray nitrous.
If you spray drugs into the motor make it worth your while. TylerrustLB7 made a measley 8hp with Wm today. Some have commented on power loss and bogging with WM. If you are gonna make power and use drugs to do it suck it up and spray nitrous. would be surprised at how regularily scheduled oil sampling can give you a very clear heads up of potential problems in your engine before they happen. Such as leaky injectors, and internal coolant leaks.
This is my perception of analysis also, early warning of failed components. The dissolved elements, as far as i know, don't harm the oil itself (your explanation notwithstanding), but I am probably wrong.
how much water do you use in 5000 miles?