Happy Birthday TheBac!!


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Thanks for the well wishes, guys and gal. :)

Ken, you've got to be as old as my Dad. I hope I will be as active and interesting as you when I get there, and trust me...you dont want to trade places with me. I still have 7 years of delivering packages to go. :rofl: Gotta help pay for the kid's college somehow.
Russ, you must want that gift to get lost? YellowChevy, thanks for the offer.

It was a good day. :) I got my cards, including one from my son that made me realize my little boy is growing up. :) No gifts or balloons, though.

But here's the kicker....TWO days after my 50th B-day, what do I get in the mailbox???? Copy of Maxim? Playboy?

Oh hell no ---- Its a F-ing copy of this month's AARP newsletter!!!!!!!!! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Damn it. May as well go on Ensure and applesauce now. :roflmao:
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