Happy Birthday Flyinelvis


May 11, 2010
VG, IL (because my wife does)
thanks everyone, i'm proud to be a member here. definitly, first class around here, all the way, even with the occational squabble. (the latest one still has nothing on the newly vs. trent thread from long ago lol)

Had a great time are the coles county drags buddy and Happy Birthday buddy:hug:

i had a kick ass time too, glad you came down buddy. i hope the mrs. took it easy on you the rest of the weekend. incriminating photos and videos are starting to surface from the party but i'm trying to keep a lid on them lol. i still haven't heard from john as to why he left early but i'm sure the truth will surface sooner or later lol!

Happy B-Day Wayne to bad your not going to Numidia this year I could buy you a drink :alc:

yeah, i know. what a great time that was last year. if i ever get my damn rental house finished i'll be able to attend some events. thanks again for your help with the injector questions i had last week