Allison 5sp: Hanging in 4th gear sometimes

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
My trans is hanging in 4th gear at times. Most of the time it is when I can't get ehough speed built up initially to get to 5, like after pulling out of a stop sign. Then when I can it hangs in 4 sometimes up to 70-75mph. Usually 1/4 throttle it will shift fine, if I go more it usually won't shift. Sometimes I have to go to 3/4 throttle to get it to shift. Sorta like it has to go out of grade brake mode.
My tune has throttle response increased and I didn't know if this was related to the throttle position sensor, also wonder if I should change the torque table, I am using the stock torque table with a modded McRat tow tune. I am new to the tuning and trying to learn what to change exactly. Thanks for any help.


Active member
Jun 13, 2007
Cape Cod,MA
My trans is hanging in 4th gear at times. Most of the time it is when I can't get ehough speed built up initially to get to 5, like after pulling out of a stop sign. Then when I can it hangs in 4 sometimes up to 70-75mph. Usually 1/4 throttle it will shift fine, if I go more it usually won't shift. Sometimes I have to go to 3/4 throttle to get it to shift. Sorta like it has to go out of grade brake mode.
Thats funny I was going to post something similiar tonight. Mines acting similiar mostly when its cold. I won't do it if the temp is 1/4 the way up the gauge.

Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
Make sure your fuel filter is fresh first. Next take the tune out and see what happens.

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
Thanks Noreaster, when it hangs up it won't shift until I let off. It has done it since it was tuned, with three different tunes, but that is probably due to it calling for more fuel through a restricted filter.

Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
Thanks Mike, the filter has about 8k mi on it. Probably due for a new one. What affect does a restricted filter have that would cause this symptom?

When fuel filter is restricted you must press the throttle quite a bit more to attain same speed as with a good filter trying to get the same amount of fuel to the engine. Problem is, throttle position sensor is telling the TCM you are deep into the throttle and to extend the shift point. Bigger problem is you can't get going fast enough to shift at the programmed speed sensor strategy to shift because of lack of fuel to get to that speed. Hope you understood this. If not I will try better.:D

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
When fuel filter is restricted you must press the throttle quite a bit more to attain same speed as with a good filter trying to get the same amount of fuel to the engine. Problem is, throttle position sensor is telling the TCM you are deep into the throttle and to extend the shift point. Bigger problem is you can't get going fast enough to shift at the programmed speed sensor strategy to shift because of lack of fuel to get to that speed. Hope you understood this. If not I will try better.:D

Yeah Mike I do understand it. I appreciate the in-depth explanation, that sounds like my issue.
Will that also cause the backshifting or gradebraking I am experiencing when I hit the brakes in 5th?


Active member
Jun 13, 2007
Cape Cod,MA
Well the trucks still doing it when cold until it gets up to temp. Doesnt matter how fast or slow you go it won't shift to overdrive. Desired to actual fuel is right on so fuel filter is not the problem.

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
Noreaster, I know that the truck will extend shifts if the engine operating temp is down, like a cold morning. But that usually goes away within the first few miles.

Update on my truck- I haven't got to the dealer yet to get the filter, was planning on it today but I didn't get to it.
Something I did notice today while driving is the one time it hung in gear I had to sorta kick it down (like you would a carbureted vehicle to kick off the choke) when I lifted it up shifted. Just as you explained Mike. Then the next time I hit the brake pedal, on maybe a 5% grade, it went into grade brake mode. Does this still sound like the filter?

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
Thanks for the tip Noreaster. I can get a discount at the dealership though. Also I am sort of a stickler for using GM products for some reason. It definately costs me more, but I guess its piece of mind.


Active member
Jun 13, 2007
Cape Cod,MA
Thanks for the tip Noreaster. I can get a discount at the dealership though. Also I am sort of a stickler for using GM products for some reason. It definately costs me more, but I guess its piece of mind.

Racor makes all the filters, Ac Delco, Napa, etc get blank filters & put their name on them.