Gulf of Mexico Drilling incident


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Of course the customers of BP will be paying for the spill. How else would it get paid for? Its not like they can print $$$ like the gov. who have made more profit from BP then BP does.

You know something is up when the SWAT team is going out to the rigs for the inspections.

I wonder how much oil is spilling anyways I have heard anywhere from 5K to 200K daily. 5K gal of oil seeps from the ocean floor in the gulf every day naturally.

Think about it, if BP tries to raise their prices, they are no longer competitive. Oil prices are creeping up because its summer driving season.

I heard its now up to 210,000 gallons a day. If I knew the size of the openings in the pipe I could tell you exactly how much is coming out.

To the bold. I remember when I was younger we would find "tar balls" on the beach all the time. If you stepped on one, it took mineral spirits to get it off your foot. Since they have started drilling heavily in the Gulf, you don't see those clumps of crude anymore. Must have releived a great deal of pressure and stopped some of the natural seepage.
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Grumpy, old, farty, funny
Jan 14, 2010
Technical Issues

Just to be fair: The process of running final production casing into a well is often times the most dangerous of operations when drilling a well. The pipe is sometimes not deep enough to effectivley circulate and "kill" the well. Also, when cementing the casing in the gas & oil can channel throught the cement allowing a clear path to surface that is somewhat isolated behind the newly run casing. The process of drilling is frought with hazards and problems that the average layman is unaware of. I don't believe this incident happened "on purpose" neither was it a Terrorist act or Greenpeacer, leaf licker sabotage. there is too much control in place for that. It is just a darn shameful accident.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Rio Rancho, NM
Wolf, did you get to make it down to Fort Morgan? I was back home in Milton, FL today and almost drove out to Navarre Beach to see what was up but was vetoed by the fiancee. You living in Mobile or over on the Eastern Shore?


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Oil companys dont make or decide oil prices OPEC decides the costs
oil comapanmy only decide when to drill and if it is feasible to drill oil or gas wells pending prices

BP sell fuels so they can set there own prices.

They do have to stay competitive, but they still can't print $$$. Just like every business cost are passed onto the customers.


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
Wolf, did you get to make it down to Fort Morgan? I was back home in Milton, FL today and almost drove out to Navarre Beach to see what was up but was vetoed by the fiancee. You living in Mobile or over on the Eastern Shore?

Yeah I was there all day friday working on the new pad. No signs whatsoever of oil. The wind direction was pushing to the west, so no smell either.

I took the boat out to the pass. It was way to rough to even consider the ride down the coast line. 6-8ft breaking waves with the random 10 footer thrown in. They had booms set up around all of the marsh areas in the canal.


That's better
Aug 6, 2006
Just to be fair: The process of running final production casing into a well is often times the most dangerous of operations when drilling a well. The pipe is sometimes not deep enough to effectivley circulate and "kill" the well. Also, when cementing the casing in the gas & oil can channel throught the cement allowing a clear path to surface that is somewhat isolated behind the newly run casing. The process of drilling is frought with hazards and problems that the average layman is unaware of. I don't believe this incident happened "on purpose" neither was it a Terrorist act or Greenpeacer, leaf licker sabotage. there is too much control in place for that. It is just a darn shameful accident.

I totally agree.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Just north of Syracuse,NY
Of course the customers of BP will be paying for the spill. How else would it get paid for? Its not like they can print $$$ like the gov. who have made more profit from BP then BP does.

You know something is up when the SWAT team is going out to the rigs for the inspections.

I wonder how much oil is spilling anyways I have heard anywhere from 5K to 200K daily. 5K gal of oil seeps from the ocean floor in the gulf every day naturally.

News report this morning said over 20000 gallons a day is coming from the pipe that they are trying to cap off


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Just north of Syracuse,NY
Think about it, if BP tries to raise their prices, they are no longer competitive. Oil prices are creeping up because its summer driving season.

I heard its now up to 210,000 gallons a day. If I knew the size of the openings in the pipe I could tell you exactly how much is coming out.

To the bold. I remember when I was younger we would find "tar balls" on the beach all the time. If you stepped on one, it took mineral spirits to get it off your foot. Since they have started drilling heavily in the Gulf, you don't see those clumps of crude anymore. Must have releived a great deal of pressure and stopped some of the natural seepage.

I remember the same thing walking the beaches in California when I was a kid,I cant remember what Dad used to get it off tho