Got to brag a little


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
I have always though I was pretty good equipment operator, but never had any real proof. I have never been though of as the "best" at any of the companies I worked for. Some dealers ETC put on Equipment Rodeos where operators show off there skills doing certain tasks. I got my first shot at one last week. Well I took 3rd after doing really well on the first 2 evens despite a penalty and was in good position to take 1st. 1 event left on a machine that I'm the strongest on and I choked. But it was still good enough to beat the "Best" operator at our company who got 5th. I got a $150 and a nice belt buckle.

There is going to be a national event in Vegas at the end of the year to see who is the best in North America. The winner wins a '12 cummins for himself and a skidsteer for their company. I could possibly make it to nationals as a wildcard, so fingers crossed.

Here is an example of the last events national winner in 2007.


Daggum farm truck
Staff member
Feb 14, 2007
Congrats on the strong finish. Here's the video.



<< Lo-Carb Monster
Feb 27, 2009
Orlinda, TN
Wow, I'm pretty fair but never could I do that. My eyes are too bad to see with it that dark in the first place.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Nice. I always liked Case controls over others. When is the Vegas event?

They had pilot controls just like most things now days. They did have some 3 and 4 lever with the swing petals there on display. Its been a few years but I was pretty good on them at one time. My biggest problem was how fast Cases are. I have only spent a little time on one and that was 5 years ago. I haven't even ran a TBL in at least 4 years. I'm use to 30ton hoes. So between my nervous and that it cost me 1st. If I get picked for a wildcard I'm going to have my boss rent me a Case to run for the week before. Unless he don't want a free skidsteer.

In January sometime here is there site

I'm volunteering as help at an equipment rodeo next wknd. We'll see what the boys got! ;)

Is it one of the Case ones? If not who putting it on need to keep any eye out for them I had a blast?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
The one I'm going to I think is just internal to a solid waste co we do engr work for. The co is Republic Waste. Not sure what all they do. I can bout guaranty you there ain't a one of them on the landfill that could do that! LOL

I've done CQA work watching a const crew that their supervisor could bout tie a pair of shoe laces with a hoe. He's pretty good. The equip I've been around though, is well used and doubt, even if the operator could do it, the equip/hydraulics are too jumpy to do that tight of work.


<--Tree Hugger
Oct 31, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
They had pilot controls just like most things now days. They did have some 3 and 4 lever with the swing petals there on display. Its been a few years but I was pretty good on them at one time. My biggest problem was how fast Cases are. I have only spent a little time on one and that was 5 years ago. I haven't even ran a TBL in at least 4 years. I'm use to 30ton hoes. So between my nervous and that it cost me 1st. If I get picked for a wildcard I'm going to have my boss rent me a Case to run for the week before. Unless he don't want a free skidsteer.

Yeah thats the ones that I am familiar with is the 4 lever and swing pedals. The pilot controls just feel weird to me lol. Yea Cases seem a lot faster than others, faster than Cats anyways. Case is all my old company used to use.

Good luck and hope ya make the wild card spot. :thumb: