getting nervous


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Plymouth, MA
Personally, I think you guys are too young :D...but everyone is different and you've been together like a married couple so do what you folks want!! It's all that matters in the end.

Advice??? Hmmmm...Don't let anything fester - it only gets worse; if things aren't right - don't make excuses like "it will get better once we are past xyz event" - deal with them in the open right away (my experience ONLY here lol :thumb:); as Eric said - it's only what you make it (takes as much work and patience/compromise as it does love to make it work and last); both need to have an outlet (shopping/exercise/racing/motorcycling/etc) that the others supports!

Other than that: as Garrett said, start your secret stash lmao, stop stressing the little stuff since it goes by way too fast and you wont see half of it anyway and ENJOY IT and your lovely wife! :D:D


Diesel power

New member
Jun 2, 2008
i got Married when i was 26 and it's one of the best things i have ever done. i wish i had gotten married sooner. you will be fine, just dont forget what true love is and what its all about, keep her up front in your life and you will do well. Try to stay away from troublesome friends and activities, you will thank me later.

D-MAX Mafia

Hood down, smoke up!
Nov 4, 2009
You are a little young but if you've already been together that long and bought a house together than marriage is the next step.

However, I was with my ex for 4 years before we bought a house together. The 5th year we were together was HELL! We started dating when I was 20 and broke it off right before I turned 26. Long story short we never got married or had kids "Thank God" but we both changed a lot over the 5 years. Ended up we were not a good match.

If your sure she is the one then you have nothing to be nervous about. Just take a couple shots an hour before the ceremony and you'll be fine.

I got married Oct 2nd last year and I cant even remember who all was at my wedding. Looking back on it now its just a blur and I wasnt nervous at all. Marrying Jackie has been the only thing I was ever 100% sure I wanted to do. Just keep in mind that its your day, so have fun and congrats.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Finally underway !!!!!
Jul 7, 2008
slc tuah
I'm 33..been married since 200....5? I what is that 6 years. We have a wonderful 2 year old daughter. I was with her a long time before we got married so it didn't change much of anything. The dynamics of the relationship were already set. I couldn't be happier.

The biggest key is not changing yourself to please your wife. You are who you are and it's not going to change. If you try you will resent her for it or eventually get tired of pretending and the real you comes out.

My wife an I are both very strong personalities and we know that the other doesn't take any crap. Kind of a cold war peace thing going on. MAD Mutually assured destruction.

Marriage is the best if you can make it work. I dunno maybe I'm just the luckiest guy around but I wouldn't change it for anything.

Pretty good advice right here and i can attest to this from personal experience as I started my marriage trying to be what she wanted and then had to start beig true to who i really was inside , to the OP best of luck being married, it is a lot of work , very rewarding when things are good , and tough as hell when things arent , but if you love each other , have each other's best interests at heart, and are committed to make it work you can get through almost anything , me and my wife have been through some tough spells , but these days we both still love each other and things are better than ever.

Texas Chevy

Active member
Feb 14, 2011
Vista, Ca
I'm 25 been married for Uh.......... 3 years dated 3 and we were in the same boat buying a house cars pets pretty much married when we were dating and we are doing good cause it didn't really change much but the ring. Just remember YES DEAR. Also be ready for the; "why do you need that for your truck again?" ( the answer is always better mileage)


New member
Apr 12, 2009
"the mecca"
The biggest Issue I've had with both of my wives is that they expected me to become something different once I was married and I'm not changing for anyone. They on the other hand were both one thing trying to please me up until we were married then they changed thinking so much needs to be different once you married. Now I have a 7 month old little boy (who is absolutely awesome), I'm living at my parents and I don't have the slightest clue whats gonna happen next. Things were good this time really till we had Lane and she thought all she had to be was a mom and no longer had to be a wife. We haven't got along since.:(


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I have been with my wife for 8.5 years and we have not even been married a year but have lived together for quite a while.

My advice is keep your money seperate. Thats what we do and we never fight.


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
just keep the Blood alcohol content consistent for the next week :alc:
x2 just got married 3 saturdays ago and im 25. Don't let much bother you in the week before. Go with the flow. Act happy and pleased with everything. If something doesn't go right just relax and try not to get to crazy. we lived together before so we new each other very well before hand. You will be fine its not near as bad as people say it is. It will be done and over before you know it.


Jul 1, 2009
Don't get nervous just go with it after it's over you'll wonder what the big deal was to start with...I got married at 20 now have a little girl everything is fine just keep stuff in the open dont hold of till your all pissed or you'll end up fighting...I just put my check in our joint bank account...however the MY MONEY fund is always going...when I buy parts she doesnt complain and when she buys stuff I don't we both work we both deserve it

workin' diesel

factory tuned
Nov 13, 2010
Coalhust, AB Canada
Lots of good advice here. Got married at 25, for going on five years and the 3rd kid on the way and doing good! House, cars (and yes, my truck), and bank accounts all in eachothers names. <== Keeps eachother honest ;). The wedding day will be fine, do waht she says and when, smile lots, act like you know everyone and you'll do good! I was actually out till 3am the morning prior to my wedding and I had to be up at 7am. This part I do not recommend! You'll do good and Congrats on the wedding!


A Bad seed
Jul 28, 2010
Godfrey, il
Some of u guys r lucky as shit. I'm kinda like madmatt. Been divorced once, 2 kids, now I've found myself in another bad situation. Oh well, gotta start thinking with my top head.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Church Point Louisiana
Married now 21 years some of it hell most has been great . Like allready said be true to yourself . Everyone has faults and you have to learn to live with that while always trying to improve. She has stuck with me through thick and thin . One thing that helped us when first married we tried not to go to bed angry or at least talk about it and not let it snow ball. Now I piss her off on purpose the joy of silence is a bless thing lol.

I trust my wife and she trust me and that goes a long way .
Learn to pick your battles early some crap isn't worth getting worked up about . But don't let her or her family walk over you either .
Make smart money decisions most of my hell was through money matters both hers and mine .
Treat her with the same respect you want to be treated with .
No matter what a bone head mistake she makes never belittle her or make her feal inferior ,believe me your time will come and hope she shows you the same consideration.
Marriage like kids come without and instruction manual so pay attention and learn from both your mistakes .

Good luck and wish you and yours the best of luck


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
I'm 25 been married for Uh.......... 3 years dated 3 and we were in the same boat buying a house cars pets pretty much married when we were dating and we are doing good cause it didn't really change much but the ring. Just remember YES DEAR. Also be ready for the; "why do you need that for your truck again?" ( the answer is always better mileage)

Try telling my wife that she got smart and learned :spit: :rofl:

Marriage can be very hard some days but very rewarding others, something that has to be worked at all the time as things change goodluck and Congrats!