That looks pretty good. I would totally do two of them just for my OCD. My night vision when reversing is horrible so does this drastically increase light?
They are pretty bright. I don't use "real" duallies, but similar ones for various things. Wish there were more flush mount options, they are useful in many situations. Used them for side lights on our new SSL and will be putting two up front for light when boom is up as well. Going to put some side ones on our other SSL's as well. Really nice to have them. Cat engineers were out one day and asked what I'd want in a new SSL, I said better f-in lights, side lights, LED's.... so they put two halogens in front and two in the rear
Oh well, get to do things my way now.
They wont blow your mind by any means, but they are a nice amount of light in a small package. Make sure you get the proper beam pattern for what you want to do. I use 90s for the stuff I'm doing, the spots do shine further but nothing like the better LED's with 10w emitters do.