Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts


Mmm tits
Apr 30, 2008
Posted this article to my FB as an early explanation as to why my account may suddenly go away :thumb:


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I'm going to start selling sporks if anyone is interested. The silverware buy back will probably save more lives then gun buy backs. Think about the healthy americans! :D


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
As with everything we don't realize how good we have it there. We are fighting to keep our ARs, they are fighting to keep pocket knives with more than a 3 inch blade. We go crazy (well the media does) over a school shooting, that many kids dying in other parts of the world is just part of life. Makes me thankful I live where I do.
Now that also means I'm not going to give an inch on this stuff. Give up the AKs and next thing you know you are fighting to keep your pocket knives. And we should never accept the security breach that allows our kids to be hurt, but freedom does not come without risk.


Dmax Nut
Oct 23, 2008
Montreal, Canada
As with everything we don't realize how good we have it there. We are fighting to keep our ARs, they are fighting to keep pocket knives with more than a 3 inch blade. We go crazy (well the media does) over a school shooting, that many kids dying in other parts of the world is just part of life. Makes me thankful I live where I do.
Now that also means I'm not going to give an inch on this stuff. Give up the AKs and next thing you know you are fighting to keep your pocket knives. And we should never accept the security breach that allows our kids to be hurt, but freedom does not come without risk.

I really, really like your thinking :thumb:



Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
FB is a bunch of liberal tree huggers. They also deleted MANY republican accounts that supported Mitt Romney:mad: When is this shit going to end???


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
Does our america remind anyone of the british rule 300 years ago... or is that just me?

The problem here is not our current administration, it's the 51% that voted them into office, and the same 51% that is slowly taking our freedoms and rights away from us.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Go ahead and try to take my guns.


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
Does our america remind anyone of the british rule 300 years ago... or is that just me?

The problem here is not our current administration, it's the 51% that voted them into office, and the same 51% that is slowly taking our freedoms and rights away from us.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Go ahead and try to take my guns.

We my friend are the minority as hard working Americans now. My neighbor is finally acheiving his dream next month, he is getting on full time disability. He was bragging about how he worked the system so he could retire and finally go buy a double wide trailer (rents now bc of zero credit) out in the country and sit in it ALL DAY. Not hunt, just be a lazy fat ass loser...

That is what the majority of Americans are now...

And it's just going to get worse, my neighbors kids have never had a job, one is 21 and the other is 18. And they think that is completely normal, who the hell wants to WORK...

We are screwed....:(


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
FB is a bunch of liberal tree huggers. They also deleted MANY republican accounts that supported Mitt Romney:mad: When is this shit going to end???

When we put a stop to it. The fact is the libtards have way more drive and time to push there agenda. I have faith that we aren't in the minority, but we ain't fighting back enough.