Explain budget cuts to me


RCLB kind of guy
May 4, 2011
Hate to break the new to ya Tony, but Obama doesn't leave office until 1/20/2017.
What I think about when it come to this date is what TWO people will be able to take the 16 years (2 terms for the POTUS and 2 terms for the VP after that) after this dumpster fire and turn this around for the better...and IF enough Americans in the big electoral college states are smart enough to go out and elect them.


wait, what?
May 30, 2011
Minot, ND
I read somewhere (I think fox news) that the EPA was told they might get 13 days of unpaid leave. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing!


Active member
Dec 4, 2010
Southern Indiana
My fiance works for the Army Core of Engineers, they are telling her they will have one day a week for 22 weeks off without pay. That is going to drop her check significantly. She got around $3,000 raise this year and after the new tax bullshit, she made $20 less on her check then before the raise and now 22 days without pay is making it worst. Luckily she is smart with money and plenty saved but still gonna hurt the savings account


New member
Feb 23, 2013
Leasburg, NC
As you all know we are facing big automatic budget cuts I assume will go in effect midnight tonight. From the little time I've had to watch the news it appears the civilian contractors will take the brunt of the loss? Although I hate to see anyone loose there job especially in this economy is it really a terrible thing? Almost every corporation out there has been forced to make very tough decisions and lay off hard working productive people because of the decline in economy. I guess my biggest question is do we need to trim up spending in that area anyway? I'm sure there are people on this site that will be effected by this, just looking for an explination from people involved or in the know. Tired of trying to sift through the contradicting info on the news.

Simply put it cuts 2 cents out of ever dollar in this years spending increase. Not the budget, because for the past 5 years there hasn't been a budget passed. In other words they get what they got last year, but 2% less of an increase for this year.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
If it goes in effect tonight starting around april 22 to sept. I will only working 4 days a work and taking a day off with no pay. Thats for government employess. But im not complaining since i will be on the farm working. I will actually help save my leave since i will not have to take off to work on farm. they can say all they want about taxing the rich guys more and stuff but when the dust settles its the middle class that gets screwed and the lower class gets everything free

Who do you work for and where did you get the info. Government is not a single entity and my agency is not in a position to furlough anyone. I did the calulations myself


New member
Sep 16, 2010
My fiance works for the Army Core of Engineers, they are telling her they will have one day a week for 22 weeks off without pay. That is going to drop her check significantly. She got around $3,000 raise this year and after the new tax bullshit, she made $20 less on her check then before the raise and now 22 days without pay is making it worst. Luckily she is smart with money and plenty saved but still gonna hurt the savings account

My command is not in the same boat. Sorry to hear the engineering corps did not make out so well.. And leave would not be an option. :(


Active member
Dec 4, 2010
Southern Indiana
She can't use leave even though she has tons built up. She is swamped all the time now, can't hardly get everything finished that needs worked on, and they are supposed to be letting go around 20 people and taking off 1 day a week, so the work load is gonna be unreal for the people left.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
She can't use leave even though she has tons built up. She is swamped all the time now, can't hardly get everything finished that needs worked on, and they are supposed to be letting go around 20 people and taking off 1 day a week, so the work load is gonna be unreal for the people left.

That's no good, I am on the civilian side but work for an army command and I see similar issues with the workload. Especially dealing with ambiguous budget constraints. Cutting a contract specialist seems ignorant when I am sure they have contracts they could choose not to fund instead of pay.

Not all government personnel are in the same boat. The news is very misleading on all of this.


The Still Master
Hate to break the new to ya Tony, but Obama doesn't leave office until 1/20/2017.

AWWWWWWWWW.............that sucks..........I forgot that 2016 is the election year and POS hangs around until January 2017............:mad:

However, I have to add that I believe it is The Annointed ones agenda to do as much damage to the USA as he possibly can before leaving office. I know I am going to get whacked for saying this but, I truly believe it is his INTENTION to attempt to turn us into a third world nation. He is a Muslim with radical left views with a wife that just recently for the first time in her life, been proud of The USA!:(:mad:
Go ahead and tell me he isn't Muslin, that he is a Christian......ask yourself........how many folks do you know with the name Hussein it it that aren't Muslim or of Arab descent.

From the Arabic personal name, Husayn, derived from the Arabic hasuna, meaning "to be good" or "to be handsome or beautiful." Hasan, for which Hussain is a derivative, was the son of Ali and the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

I do not believe he was even eligible to hold the office of The President, a term I will use very loosely until 2016.

My apologies if I derailed the threads original intent, I just needed to say that to a group of folks that I know are intelligent.:thumb:

I agree..........he is a Muslim, that's why he was saying we had 57 States because that's how many Muslim States there are and not United States.

My fiance works for the Army Core of Engineers, they are telling her they will have one day a week for 22 weeks off without pay. That is going to drop her check significantly. She got around $3,000 raise this year and after the new tax bullshit, she made $20 less on her check then before the raise and now 22 days without pay is making it worst. Luckily she is smart with money and plenty saved but still gonna hurt the savings account

This is exactly why POS Obama is doing this, he wants people to get hurt so that will gin everyone up to go after the rich, he could give two shits about you, me your wife, girlfriend, parents.........he wants his tax increases and wealth transfers to the lazy azz's that voted in that POS twice.


Junior Member W/gray hair
Feb 17, 2007
My fiance works for the Army Core of Engineers, they are telling her they will have one day a week for 22 weeks off without pay. That is going to drop her check significantly. She got around $3,000 raise this year and after the new tax bullshit, she made $20 less on her check then before the raise and now 22 days without pay is making it worst. Luckily she is smart with money and plenty saved but still gonna hurt the savings account

Same with the Air Force...22 4 day weeks...(using leave time is not an option)...don't forget our base pay hasn't changed in 3 yeasr either...:mad:


Junior Member W/gray hair
Feb 17, 2007
Now it's 14 days and no pay raise (cost of living) again, for the 4th year.
They also took our cell phones...LOL, never wanted it in the first place...
they are also taking one of our cars...it's going to be kind of hard to get to the job site and do an inspection...I think I'll start a car lottery...winner get's to drive for a week...loosers have to walk!:eek: Boss..."where have you been the last 2 days?". Me "had to do an inspection of the HVAC job on the mountain and I lost the car lottery this week" Boss "well next time run, don't walk!":spit:


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Just saw the 2012 report on White House staff - 468 staffers on payroll.
Another 2000 folks or so supporting them in the OEOB across the street.

Runaway train . . . :eek:


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Junior Member W/gray hair
Feb 17, 2007
...and I'll bet most of them hold "critical" positions and won't get furloughed...


Junior Member W/gray hair
Feb 17, 2007
Furlough day 1 of 11...
Did a filter(s) and oil change on the truck. Replaced a couple of the pad things on the leaf springs and washed out the radiator stack best I could...planned on replacing the jounce bumpers but the local UPS sent them to the post office for delivery:confused:...they were due to be delivered yesterday now it will be Monday (maybe)...
Changed the oil and charged the batteries on the karts getting ready for the race this Sunday.
At least I'm being productive...


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
I highly doubt Obama leaves office....and if he does, his wife will be the one that replaces him... This little experiment is over.