I'm sayin
dont drink the kool aid
Imo i dont believe electric hybrids are safe for our bodies let alone the earth
Im sayin
the powers that be will tell us(society )what ever we want to, and will believe
Until we find out its bad
Like- asbestos, lead paint, building homes within range of RAF(radio active frequency) of old school tv radio antennas and main line power(continental power mid west in the 80's) and even local main line powerlines have been built too close to for years
you cant even get a loan on some of these homes that have been built w/in the last 20 years cuz now the standards have changed and the home now falls into a hazardous condition guideline!
Im sayin we dont fully understand hybrid tecnology
We just got a better hold on the internal combustion engine, and due to new research, new cars employ egr mechanisims, which in another 20 years we will find out that further breaking down the gasses by reburning them is bad too, im sure of it.
what can we put down to the ground from diesel fuel 30% power potential/efficiency?
I say we continue to expand on an already powerful, promising, renewable, potentially super unbelievabley clean product that we have been utilizing for a century
junk the junk(electric hybrids)